Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Take the Bernie whining to the Bernie whining thread. We have a whole thread dedicated to people who firmly believe he is the only human on earth capable of doing anything good.


This is incredibly insulting and racist.

You’re just skipping past the facts to insult me. Is this one of the three pre-programmed Hashtag Resistance responses? I’m not even the one who brought up the primary, ding-dong.

It’s racist to think someone with a 50-year track record of saying and doing racist things is racist. Galaxy brain.

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You are literally insinuating in your post that black people just do what they’re told and are programmed by tv. Fuck off.

We are happy to argue with you. I’m simply asking you have the respect not to clutter this thread.

Come here and we can argue all day.

This thread is for protest news.

I’m not saying it isn’t. The post I’m referencing is blatantly and egregiously racist and definitely sounds a lot like other posts I’ve seen in that other thread regarding black people voting for biden.

It’s very, very, thinly veiled and today I’m deciding to say something.

While I realize that black people can vote for a racist and even be racist, if a high enough percentage of black people prefer a candidate, then I’m not going to whitesplain to them how the candidate may be a racist.


that was two easy snap-6-monthers

Well done @goofyballer

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I can definitely see why. Like if you told me in 2000 that we would have a black president and he would be one of the 5 youngest ever elected and his VP would be an old white dude who has been in the senate since he was in high school, I would assume a major narrative would be how the VP was really the one in control like people said with Cheney/Bush. That basically never happened with Obama/Biden.
That legitimized Obama to the public in a way that was not at all guaranteed for the first black president. On top of that, Biden and Obama genuinely seem to like and respect each other, which also isn’t a given, see Eisenhower/Nixon or Kennedy/LBJ.

Most people just do what they’re told to and are programmed by tv.

Would you say it’s #allpeople

I would say most people just accept whatever they’re told, how they were raised, what media they see and what people around them say without giving it much thought. That was pretty clear wasn’t it?


dunno what happened in PA but in the state seems like every dem incumbent with a challenger in the state house just lost.

There is no how to cope with it if we don’t have free will.


Trump got more votes in PA yesterday than all the Dems combined. It’s over.

We certainly have the perception of free will. Honestly though we’re all probably just following our coding.