Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I’d argue it is an objectively good speech.

Let me know when a speech changes the policies he supported or implemented his entire career.

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Sometimes I wonder if we have been infiltrated by Russians or their satellites.

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It’s possible your views have been shaped by Russians if you’re not Russian yourself, or alternatively you’re just a huge nihilist.

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To be fair to the nihilists it’s one of the only rational positions to take. We probably do not matter and we probably do not have free will. That’s not even debatable really. How to cope with knowing that is the whole game IMO.

You are lord of the world and can appoint Biden president today. Do you?

absolutely, first act as Lord of the World I appoint Joe Biden, second act I have some sort of witch flotation-based trial for Tara Reade.

I would bet a significant amount of money if Tara Reade was given this option she snap appoints Biden over Trump today.

Trying to picture how this bet would get settled

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Given it’s hypothetical it can’t obviously.

This situation is definitely playing to his strengths of “decency”. People like Lindsey Graham, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, HW Bush, Obama etc have all vouched for his personal character when they didn’t have to, which says something if you respect any of them. So it’s going to be tough to paint him as some uniquely awful choice to be president, though many Trumpers will have to try. The Reade stuff would probably have been more believable to the people that knew him if he didn’t have basically the opposite reputation of people like John Boehner or Ted Kennedy when it came to nightlife as well, but apparently the stories about him always leaving DC to tuck his kids in at night are actually true.

It does seem like DECENT JOE is going to be enough to fell Trump.

Would you say anything really changed from Obama to Trump?

And yet is was primarily black primary voters who pushed Biden over the top.

Oh for sure man. Not that the party conspired for an entire year to find a way to nominate anyone but Bernie.

I’m just saying what happened. Black voters saw Biden play second fiddle to Obama for 8 years - that seems to mean a lot to them - at least from what I read.

The party helped sabotage Bernie of course. But as far as whether or not Biden is a racist, I’ll defer to the judgement of black democratic primary voters on that.

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These things don’t seem mutually exclusive.

I’m going to defer to his own words and actions. Your premise is fallacious-- it rests on the assumption black voters won’t vote for a racist. (Maybe they will if TV news is telling them 24 hours a day that Bernie Sanders is doomed and Joe Biden is their only hope to beat Donald Trump, for example.)


They’re not necessarily, but it also elides the age and income gap (something Democrats purposely created by closing polling stations)-- young black voters, like all young voters (“young” in this case meaning “under 45”), overwhemingly supported Sanders.

Latinos of all ages overwhelmingly supported Sanders. Does their opinion on race in America not matter? Because I’ve been hearing “kids in cages” a lot from the VBNMH types.