Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

america’s on fire and they’re talking about debates

Hopefully joe slings a few good zingers during the debate! That’ll show people how good he is compared to bad orange man


We should all whine some more about Bernie instead.

Is that what you honestly think we’re doing?


Edit: actually lately it has mostly been whining about Warren in order to by proxy whine about Bernie.

Ok, but do you plan to address this?


So you’re plainly stating you’re trolling the thread/forum?

I mean, whatever, that’s fine. It’s obvious to everybody you’re projecting anyhow.

You know what you were doing. It wasn’t subtle. Don’t act all high and mighty now. It was the first night of rioting and you were in here spiking the football about how you were right all along and us evil centrists were just morons.

I have no intention of apologizing. It was awful.

Can’t wait for Joe Biden, historical supporter of black rights, to fix this mess!

lol, I know right? “Listen fat, no malarkey, I’m here to fix civil rights”

smh at criticizing joe biden, this guy i’m responding to is probably a bernie bro that has sour grapes about the election. i guess you want trump to win

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Ya what an awful guy. Totally evil to the core.

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Biden about to give national speech.

This is a very good speech.

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I hope to hell that a lot of people are watching this. Especially the “there’s no difference between Biden and Trump” crowd.

Biden kills it when he can just talk. He’s much stronger giving a speech than in a multi candidate primary with 30 second soundbites.


Yeah this is the best Biden I’ve seen. Could easily just be the ridiculous gap between him and Trump. It’s impossible to accurately judge anything quantitatively anymore.

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Trump is really that bad. And orange.