Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Umm genius they are super PACs too. Lol you and 6ix are such Bernie bro’s. World is burning and you want to trash talk Warren still. Way to keep your eye on the ball.

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Have you ever played chess?

Lol sacrificing a Queen.

What about the topic I presented had to do with “trash talk (ing)” Warren?!?

Because I alluded to the emojis? Fucking babybrains.

You all made it about Warren because you all need it to be about anything other than what it’s actually about!

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They’re out here trying to Separate But Equal solidarity.

not figuring out somebody named Flores might not be a white dude is a smoothbrain bonus

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I think if Biden’s poll numbers stay like this he should refuse to debate.

There is no upside for him and Trump’s going to crush him.

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Trump can’t win a debate with anyone and I’m sure people have learned their lesson from 4 years ago. There’s also endless things to attack him on, literally almost every single issue and action he has taken.

Problem is debates are not about issues. They are theatre, and this is the one and only thing trump is good at, and Biden is equally not good.


He dominated the Republican primary debates. He had the most devastating debate moment since “I knew Jack Kennedy” (“she should be running”). He did fine against Hillary, who is a much better debater than Biden. He’d crush Biden.

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But as much as I don’t think that the debates will help Biden it would be a disaster for Biden to skip them. Think of the attack narratives and ads. First presidential candidate in history to skip the debates! What does he have to hide? How serious is Joe Biden’s cognitive decline? He’s not even well enough to be propped up on a stage and talk for two hours, how can he be president? It would be devastating.

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I think he should take a super passive approach. Just give trump rope to hang himself. Simply bait him and sit back and watch him say terrible and incomprehensible things.

Biden’s only goal is to be the steady sane alternative. Don’t try to make a single policy point.

And never respond to a thing Trump says.

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In my dream world he somehow works the line “don’t feed the trolls” into it. :grin:

Trump has declined A TON since 2016.


“Mr. Biden, do you care to respond to the President’s statements?”

“Oh, I’m sorry Christiane, I have him on Ignore.”



I don’t think Biden can position himself as the return to normalcy candidate and refuse to debate. If Trump will debate the I think Biden has to, maybe just respond to everything with “there you go again” and then ignore him.

To the extent Hillary “lost” the debates it wasn’t because Trump beat her at debating. Hillary’s debate mistake was telling people to read her website instead of offering a simple, direct value proposition to voters. The median voter had an attention span of about 10 seconds. Hope and Change and Healthcare. Simple.

The most significant feature of the debates will not be the tit for that between the candidates, its the fact that so many eyeballs are on the screen at that time. Trump didn’t win the Republican debates by out-debating Rubio and Cruz, he won by speaking directly to Republican voters and saying what they wanted to hear - a Trump government will punch down at disadvantaged groups, and you are invited to join in. I think that’s the blueprint for debating in 2020. Ignore every question and just use the opportunity to speak directly to voters.

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Maybe. But 2016 Trump is at a much higher level than 2020 Biden. I’m not convinced you’re right about Trump’s decline though, could be wishful thinking.