Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Deplorable as fuck

Also Alex is just completely avoiding the big money in politics hypocrisy

Like seriously this shits a game to these people. Let’s give a nazi money so he can boost himself and be our opponent for any easy win. At the end of the day you are still helping a nazi gain support


He literally got pardoned by the President after a bunch of TV appearances, I wonder if he could have done that with no money

And to think that he uses it all for the campaign it also lol.

Pick suits ftw, Alex huh!

How am I avoiding it? I just said I didn’t like it. Do you support every single thing that Bernie’s ever done?

Bernie isn’t perfect but he isn’t out here accepting Superpac money. Whatever nitpicks you can make of his congressional record are completely trivial compared to bragging about grassroots support and then accepting super pac money.

Bernie has never been beholden to big donors. Liz has. It’s a good place to draw a line around support. Warren supporters are going to kill our country by muddying this line and making it more acceptable for Karla Jurvetsons to run this country.

Bernie did accept superpac money and/or support from various PACs. They are good superpacs but they are still superpacs.

I think the applicable analogy is how you feel about Bernie endorsing and campaigning for Biden after dropping out. In other words, politicians doing politician things.

Everyone is free to have their own personal metrics for assigning support, but I do think it’s a bit weird to draw the line at where they get their money from rather than their record or political stances. I’m not sure if you’ve been living under a rock but the Karla Jurvetsons have already been running the country for 150+ years. At some point you will have to peel-off and convert at least a few of them if you want to win.

No. Just no. Bernie supporting Biden is just not comparable to the sources of funding. Citizens United has ruined this country. We don’t need to peel off Karla Jurvetsons, we need to reduce their influence so that the poorest citizen has the same political influence as the richest. That’s how you affect change. And I don’t want to convert someone that gave money to Nazis. That Nazi got pardoned. Get that through your skull. Bernie never gave support to Nazis and never courted any big money donors that did. You are straight up shameful with the way you obfuscate the truth.

If you ever want to win 51% of the vote in any election, you will have to convert people a lot more deplorable than Karla Jurvetson. I’m sorry man, that’s just the way it works.

And Biden is the one to do it

imagine being this pathetic and like, proudly announcing it

Let’s assume for the sake of argument it is hard.

If they’re both actively fighting against you, why?


I didn’t say ‘burn down the democratic establishment’ read the actual words on the actual page ffs:

Before the world ends anybody want to have a crack at this one:

There is a significant difference between a corporate fueled Super PAC and one financially supported by grassroots donations

Which I acknowledged in my post but don’t claim he didn’t take money from PACs.

bernies did not have a super pac, it’s a pooled fund from a bunch of nurses. disinformation

she’s a complete hypocrite, is that why you posted that tweet? literally saying one thing and doing another. you are seriously a newborn babe

guys, she posted a TWEET about it

that means its totally cool to take 15 million of superpac money from one rich donor. fuck out of here.

pacs, or superpacs? you’re such a fucking troll. i bet you couldn’t even describe the entity that you’re talking about.

imagine equating karla jurvetson with a bunch of nurses putting in money together.

I promise I will never respond to either of you fucking morons again. I enjoy this site but you guys are stuck so far up her asshole that you have given up on big money in politics.