Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Anyhow, teaser spoiler:

Theyā€™re really out here trying to take Kill Less Black People and give it the Hire More Women Guards treatment, and it is fucking breathtaking. Not Clovis per se, heā€™s being wily, but in general as Iā€™ve discovered on recent twitter travels and internet recon missions.

Aaaaand, just like that this thread got a whole lot shorter. How satisfying. :)

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Fighting racist cops: good!

Fighting Elizabeth Warren: bad!

This is really not hard.

I hope she sees this bro

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Worthwhile misogynistic comment asshole.

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I was thinking about commenting in the other thread, but this is one of your more bizarre takes. Maybe there are 1 or 2 exceptions in this forum (although I think itā€™s just you being confused about who is pro-establishment), but everywhere Iā€™ve seen the Centrists are much less pro-riots than the Radicals.

Fighting against a politician that took 15 million dollars of superPAC money when her campaign was drawing dead, after expressly promising to not take said money isā€¦


thatā€™s not misogynistic btw, youā€™re weaponizing identity politics to defend corporatism. Bad!

Giving money to Nazis? Good according to Alex, as long as youā€™re also giving money to black politicians.


Yes :shushing_face:


Watevs, youā€™re not even fun to argue with because you just repeat the same thing in every post. We get it, the 15 million is a dealbreaker for you. Iā€™m sure you loved Warren before you found that out in mid-March.

What do you like about it other than it propped up your favorite candidate when she was drawing dead

I care a lot about big money in politics, it has caused a lot of the ills that weā€™ve seen. There are plenty of other reasons to criticize her heel turn but this one is so blatantly hypocritical and terrible that itā€™s insane to see her shills defend it.

The big money part on itā€™s face is already just disgusting from a politician that touted grassroots support by bragging about her average donation and making public statements against SuperPAC, including just months ago in a debate where she called out every candidate but Klobuchar for having one (a fucking lie). The part where the donor also gives money to Nazis to advance her goals (always bad, lol at you justifying it) is just icing on the cake.

The working class in this country has seen their equity decline thanks to a former Republican who spoke at the Federalist society, who called herself a ā€˜capitalist to her bonesā€™.

The working class suffered because total rubes thought this person was as progressive and as trustworthy as Bernie Sanders.

I donā€™t like it and no one has defended it afaik. What has been patiently explained multiple times is the context of the Arpaio donation and why itā€™s disingenuous of you to post about it like this.

OKā€¦ Even taking those points on board, is it still correct to take money from an obvious political manipulator.

A candidate who calls herself a capitalist while having nearly the exact same policy preferences as Bernie should have been a fucking dream scenario if you stopped to think about it for more than a second.

As I said months ago, Bernie is not a left leaning politician in the true sence of those words, heā€™s a centre left Labour supporter.

His policies would have been a good start.

lol context for giving a nazi money


her latest quote on healthcare is about expanding the ACA, not Medicare for all

The main issue with trying to burn down the democratic establishment while simultaneously trying to win a democratic primary isnā€™t that itā€™s bad morally, itā€™s that itā€™s terrible strategy.

I wonder whether Nazi Joes pardon by Trump had anything to do with the exposure that his campaign afforded him.