Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

looking at # of insured is such a terrible way to look at it. LOOK AT THE COST.

ACA did not lower the cost of healthcare in this country. Sky high premiums, deductibles, insurance companies doing everything they can to not pay, still can go bankrupt if you are “out of network”, we have a terrible system.

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So, AOC is not permitted to make some compromises you don’t like?

Hell of a purity test for a politician.

This is trivially true. We’re all flawed humans. Not one of us fully lives up to our ideals (maybe microbet). But when you push for purity you settle on positive. You seem to want to start from a position of compromise and work from there. That is the dems classic mistake (well I now believe it’s intentional but still). Hold everyone’s feet to the fire. Make everyone uncomfortable about their compromises and failings. Accept they exist and are inevitable but work to an impossible standard because most people (unfortunately) think truth falls halfway between two poles. So stick your pole as far to your side as you can. Way further than is “reasonable”. It’s the only way to make progress.



This is ludicrous. All Warren has done here is talked vague-ish stuff (which appears to contradict things she has said in the past) in a transparent and likely very doomed effort to get VP. But somehow this is such important and noble struggle that to even point out the contradictions means you are against the fundamentals of political action.

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So standard. I was talking to a guy yesterday who had dental insurance and a few thousand dollars of root canals and somehow that managed to be not covered. Insurance, not just health, is such a shitty industry.

It’s weird because that catface post is completely reasonable yet totally unlike anything posted by Bernie Bros here over the last 3 months. Did someone hijack his account?

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Did the question about what the hell “strengthening the Affordable Care Act” means ever get answered?

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Yes you have a terrible system. Who is arguing you don’t? I’m arguing politicians need to actually do things to improve that system. The other side thinks wishing it so is sufficient.

Holy fuck. Who says it’s a pipe dream. We have it! As you pointed out.

Tell me EXACTLY HOW you get it there? Not a bunch of complaints about what is wrong. We all agree it’s wrong.

What needs to be done to actually get it?

Whatever that is…is it better or worse for someone like Warren to be close to the power structure?

Liberal dems in 2040: guys come on you can’t be m4a or bust, if we fix this loophole in the ACA where the insurance company can’t take your kidney for non payment we will be at step 35 out of 150 on our way to single payer. I don’t know why you guys are sooo mad

Thanks to the people who made reasonable arguments about the difference between specific “compromises” (like Warren on M4A) and politicians compromising in general. I think @All-InFlynn was one. Appreciated.

I keep letting my frustration draw me back into the same old fights in this thread and I wish I could avoid it.

All I really want is to be able to now shift, like Bernie and AOC, to fully supporting sad sack Biden in his quest to beat Trump, without getting treated like I’m some kind of idiot sellout on this forum.




Let’s see if you can tell me what they should do. With specifics, not abstractions and complaints.

Haven’t seen you support Biden much. Almost all you do is rant about Bernie bros.

Go Biden go.

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I’d also like him to go.


It was a joke. Not a fight.

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I’ll keep setting em up, you keep knocking em down!

Look fats…

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