Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Oh what a surprise all knowing Clovis with more condescending posts. Yawn

What is the compromise “the other way”? No more abstractions. What EXACTLY should she do to get UHC.

List the actual real steps in the real world she should do but is not.

She still believes in and supports M4A.


As I said earlier. It’s only about purity for some.

She has a blacklight poster of it on her bedroom wall?

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you are misinformed or delusional

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We know you honestly think an inch is the same as a mile.

Given the current rate of her credibility collapse, I’m expecting her to rip off a face mask Mission Impossible style next week to reveal she’s actually James Woods.

From healthcare as a human right, “I’m with Bernie on Medicare for All”, and no SuperPACs to

'improvements in our health care system" and “strengthening the ACA” and 15 million dollars from a rich political donor that also gives money to Joe Arpaio

you really truly hate to see it.

Not a single Liz Lad in this forum wants to touch the question “What did Elizabeth Warren get in exchange for the 15 million dollars she received from Karla Jurvetson”

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Jesus fucking christ dude


After Bernie sold out to Biden is there anyone left to defend?

Who may I defend?

This is all dreams an desires. All abstraction.

How do she get special interest money out? What does she actually do she isn’t? Wouldn’t being vp make this more likely?

So don’t play the game? That results in UHC? How exactly? List the steps.

Sounds like she was a police officer.

Not AOC tho right?

Or is she…did she…compromise?

A little dishonest to not post that tweet’s OP, which contains language that is absent from what Warren just put out there. Any thoughts on what promises Warren made to Karla Jurvetson? Isn’t it better when your candidate doesn’t have to field these kinds of questions?

Um she got to stay in the race longer. Same thing every politician gets with donations.

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Literally nobody is pure enough. Not one person.

Yes it’s better. Is someone saying it’s not better? I wish I could wish the world I want into existence as you seem to think you can.

You mean exactly the same thing you did with that article quote?

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