Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I don’t think it’s a accident she is the one that is young and good looking. Like I said earlier, it’s a mortal lock they will turn in her too.

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This is the Bernie Bro solution to everything - yell really loud and tell everyone to bend the knee, and it will all work out.

Here’s a tip, if you actually give a shit about healthcare, you should spend your time screaming at people to vote in key Senate/House races, instead of talking constantly about sitting out the election and how much Democrats suck.

You can vote for the house and senate and not vote for Biden



This is exactly right. Bernie bro’s have to be the least political sophisticated group on the political spectrum. They actually understand far less than the tea party nuts.

They honestly think politics is just purity. That’s it. Just scream at anyone not considered pure and you will magically get your way. Never even think about the hard work of political change. That stuff is for the “power structure” and is just a trap. Just scream purity and cancel anyone not Bernie.

Soon UHC will fall from the sky.

You are not a Bernie Bro.

It’s weird how the compromises only ever work one way


Schroedinger’s Bernie Bro, until observed, both hates everybody who isn’t Sanders because of demented ideological purity and, simultaneously, hates the women because they’re women.

What does this even mean. How would it work for other way? With less people getting insurance?

I concede. You are more pure of heart. You win the purity test. I lose. Conceded now and forever.

The real difference is I’ll take 20 million extra people with insurance over getting to feel pure. You won’t.

The people who talk about “political change takes time and years of compromise” are the same people who could make it happen immediately if they’d just vote for it. The roadblock everyone is talking about is democrats who would vote against it and sabotage their president’s agenda. What they really mean is they don’t want that change, but maybe in 30 years other people might.

Just say that.


And remember these are largely the same fucks who had no problem voting for the iraq war and the patriot act (yes yes fuck Bernie for his recent failure to vote on this too), and recently the airline bailouts, wall funding, space force, etc.

They’ll vote for some really abhorrent shit in the interest of getting… something, I guess, in return. But not healthcare! That takes compromise, dammit


Is Bernie Bro’s the new Nazi’s?

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Not nothing. 20 fucking million people.

If they only like her because she’s young and good looking why would they turn on her for policy reasons?

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True, women do be aging

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Apostrophe’s are very complex and advanced stuff.

Their votes for Iraq, surveillance, space force, border wall, bailouts, etc had nothing to do with the ACA. The 20 million people was done by brute electoral force over republicans that fought tooth and nail against it every step of the way.

Imagine if they took that toughness and willingness to vote for things they may not 100% agree with and applied it to single payer!

But nah.

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Some people, sure, but a Yuge portion of the population is set on the idea that rich = smart + hardworking and they will not be shaken from that belief.

I don’t think anyone here thinks Bernie or Warren or AOC are without faults, and if Bernie wasn’t running for President this year I imagine that all of the Bernie bro’s would be stumping hard for Warren. But when presented with a primary where you can vote for Bernie or you can vote for Warren, Bernie was the better choice.

We continue to dunk on Warren now because it was 6 months of people saying how crazy it was to think Warren was worse than Bernie on any number of issues. And like - she clearly was! She’s still better than probably every other senator, but she’s worse than another candidate she was running against.

Like, I can point out that Kamala was cool when she signed on to the m4a bill and talks a good progressive game sometimes, but also point out she was pretty horrific when she was AG and DA. That doesn’t mean that I see nothing redeeming in her, or that in a different primary cycle I wouldn’t vote for her, it means I think it would be ridiculous to vote for her over Bernie.


I’ve got some Trumpkin relatives in Minnesota who inexplicably love her.