Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

About the second sentence, you realise you’re accusing her of being some sort of Russian agent, yeah? Though I can’t blame you if you chose not to read the first sentence, it’s pretty daft.

I mean it’s miles from impossible? And it’s pretty much that or she’s telling the truth.

I’m not saying she knows the Russians are paying her obviously.

I, too, expect more Russian meddling but for this to be part of it they either

a) somehow needed to have found a person who made these accusations decades ago but not publicly


b) they not only convinced Reade to accuse Biden but also a bunch of other people to corroborate her story

Adding a public option like it was originally intended to have?



I mean it’d obviously be option A. A lot of people greatly underestimate the sophistication and budget of nation state level intelligence operations. They would have done crazy deep dive research on every single candidate in the primary I’m guessing.

A lot of people on this board don’t have much experience with people with significant personality disorders. I unfortunately was raised by two of them. They have all sorts of grandiose stories about slights and crimes committed against them and they repeat them endlessly. Nearly all of them are made up, because these people never talk about the things that actually traumatized them.

This is actually a behavior I picked up as a teenager. I didn’t know how to talk about my (incredibly fucked up) childhood, so I told people my mom was a drug addict. It was a way for me to communicate that I had good reasons to be hugely messed up without actually talking about the real trauma. I didn’t realize it at the time but later I found out that I (disgustingly) had picked this up from my parents, who it turns out had been lying about basically every detail of their lives before I was born.

So yeah I’m not going to take the one Biden accuser at face value when I know that the best funded and most talent allocated intelligence apparatus in the world has every gun trained on him. I do not like Biden, at all, but I also 100% expect there to be crazy shit going on this cycle that is very abnormal in all sorts of ways.

These are the same people who hacked HRC’s email and then released the best snippets out of context to drive the maximum possible wedge into the Democratic electorate. They’ve also got a long long history of manufacturing blackmail material, smearing critics of the regime, assassination plots that work, and all sorts of other nasty stuff. This thing is hugely in their range. Hugely.

So your position is that either:

  1. The damn Russians found someone who made false allegations about Biden in private some time ago and convinced her to go public.

  2. She’s telling the truth.

And you think it’s so close we just have to move on and forget about it?

I’d rather read more treatises on the probability of made up rapes in made up worlds to be honest. Unsubscribe.

Look black, that homeboy Trump is dissing your fly-girl, man, you gonna take that?


Have we considered if Reade may be a Manchurian Rape Victim. Was she ever capture over enemy lines in communist territory?

I like your posting, but this is a fucking stupid take. Getting a bill passed is the whole fucking point. The details of how to do that, are the most important part of this whole argument. One side wants to completely ignore the difficulty there and just pretend that Bernie would be able to magically pass m4a once elected because he’s so pure of heart.

She told an awful lot of people. That much we know.

And I don’t think it matters all that much for a voting decision here because the alternative is Trump (who is DEFINITELY a sexual predator complete with the many many accusers that is typical). I’m sorry that you don’t want to acknowledge that people make up stories. I can tell you that they do from personal experience. Fabulists gonna fabricate.

But yes I’m also very open to the possibility that she’s telling the truth. It’s at least as likely as the alternative and possibly more so. I don’t think any of us have the information to handicap this tbh.

You seem to be putting an awful lot of your eggs in the ‘this is not a long tail scenario’ basket for a timeline where Donald Trump is our president lol.

Ask yourself: If Russian intelligence was going to manufacture a sexual assault claim on Biden what would it look like? The answer, unfortunately, is exactly this thing. Doesn’t mean it isn’t true, but it also means that if you’re in ‘automatically believe women’ mode you’re putting your head in the sand.

I think it is a genuinely positive consequence of the Trump Era that people are becoming much more aware that beyond a base line level of intelligence the best predictor of power and wealth accumulation is being a sociopath.


It is just as difficult to pass a public option. You’re not getting any republican votes by compromising for a worse bill. If Democrats don’t fall in line, you support their primary challenger. I don’t accept that it’s ok for Pelosi to support conservative assholes running with a D next to their name but hypothetical president Sanders couldn’t do the same with progressives.

It’s kind of funny how it’s just taken as a given that there will be moderate Dems who would torpedo a progressive president’s agenda and that’s taken as a mark against progressive ideas. If Bernie was rallying people in the Senate right now to vote against incremental improvements to the ACA it would be a huge fiasco.

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Here come the Warren stans!

Medicare for All is already broadly popular. The idea of taking this popular policy and turning it into a trial balloon that will then be so popular that Mitch McConnell will have to fold to the political pressure, this is idiocy. This strategy will not work. It will never work. It was always far less of a plan than “present the American people with a policy that works for everyone and push it hard through the bully pulpit”.

It’s already popular! We don’t need some multi year trial panel to convince evil legislators that saving people is better than killing them.

Wonkery for the sake of wonkery. It has hoodwinked a lot of people who just want to feel smart about the process. And by the way, her wonkery was just wholly rejected by primary voters so it’s just amazing that people will beat this dead horse like it was some great political idea. It was shit, her ideas are shit, she’s a corporatist that just sold out her signature ideals of healthcare for all and no big money in politics.

Stop defending Elizabeth Warren.

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[quote=“6ix, post:2888, topic:1453, full:true”]

The second and third group of Tom Cottons are’t gonna let the first run wild, and they all will realize they don’t want a multi-factional Cottons v Cottons v Cottons civil war. It’d be easier to just keep our quasi-pseudo-democracy.[/quote]

This is basically the argument of Leviathan, and it’s not wrong. The problem is that you need functioning institutions to channel the ambitions of the Tom Cottons into mildly destructive things like politics rather than disastrous things like coups and civil wars. If Trump dismantles all those institutions, then…?

It depends a lot on whether you are talking about 2020 or 2024. Given another 4 years to stock the intelligence, military and internal security forces with loyal cronies, Trump will have a lot more freedom to gin up scandals on his opponents, make it harder for the Democrats to campaign, enable hard-core vote rigging, etc.

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Elizabeth Warren, committed to healthcare for everyone until her personal ambition for Vice President gets in the way. Then, she immediately folds to Biden and starts mumbling about ACA expansion.

I’m sure she wouldn’t sell out the plan during her time as President.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1241186321231642624&

What did Elizabeth Warren promise Karla Jurvetson in exchange for the 15 million dollars that propped up her campaign from Nevada to Super Tuesday?

Funny how the Bernie bro’s hate every potential female candidate. Interesting.

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It takes political power.

She shouldn’t try for VP.

I’m a Bernie Bro. Weeeeeeeee!

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Only 20 million extra people have insurance. What failures.