Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Klob would be a mind-meltingly stupid pick, so I think there’s a good chance the Dems pick her.


I gotta say, it’s fun (and edifying) to discuss and follow politics with a group of super-smart folks from a fairly broad political spectrum (even if we all look alike to the MAGAs).

It’s also kinda weird to be joined by a few that actively hate everyone involved in the process and act surprised that politicians do shit like make compromises. It’s like, why are you here? But then I remember the way I drank and clowned on my sisters for watching American Idol even though I was right there next to them and talking shit for like two whole fucking seasons. Game recognize game, I guess.


“Warren will compromise.”

“That’s conspiracy theory shit.”

[Warren compromises]

“See? We to-”

“LOL I dunno why you’re acting so SURPRISED bro, it’s the real world, deal with it, stop being childish”


People on this site told you that? I think you’re delusional (but if you can cite it I’d be impressed).

I think people might have told you that Bernie would compromise, like he is (again), but I assume you agreed with that.

My 1/2-American cousin, a huuuuuge McCain fan, loves Klob and thinks picking her would only be fair to the moderates who are going to vote Joe but are worried that he won’t last.

So, yeah, she’ll be the VP nom fo’ sho’.

ETA I was just reminded of how annoyed Ikes used to get when people would spell McCain as “McCane”. Good times.

I am baffled by anyone “loving” Klob, but I really, really hate abusive bosses (especially ones who try to project a “nice person” image).

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if you can cite it I’d be impressed

Not as impressed as I’d be if you could find someone to do little fetchquests for you wrt uncontroversial claims. It ain’t me, babe.

Warren is softer than her supporters like to make out, Sanders will endorse the eventual winner. Can you find me evidence that either of these are news to some considerable portion of lefty posters on this forum?

Real talk: you don’t actually mean we’re “acting surprised”. You mean that we’re calling attention to it and you don’t like that we’re doing that. You would prefer we not do that. Given that we are doing that, you feel the need to respond in some way, and since you can’t credibly say we’re wrong, you must delegitimise the sentiment itself. Is that really worth the time you’re going to spend doing it?

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Sorry, maybe “act” was unfair. It’s not an act, probably, I don’t really care what y’all do (not that you’ve self-identified with the group I was talking about). You’re welcome to “call attention” to the fact that politicans fail us. But like everyone here is already aware, don’t you get that? I mean, politics sucks and politicians whimsically refer to their gig as “the art of the compromise”. No one ever said that Warren compromising was “conspiracy shit”, lol. It was expected. As was Sanders’ compromise to support Biden. It’s the nature and the degree of the compromise that’s interesting and important.

(And yeah, animal emojis are childish, but folks gotta get their rocks off somewhere, I ain’t made at ya).

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I clearly have self-identified with that group, since I’ve used the first-person plural ‘we’ referring to it. That politicians will compromise generally isn’t the claim at stake. What we’re talking about is Warren compromising on specific issues that were billed to us as reasons to support her. Maybe you doubt that we were skeptical and that Liz Lads told us we were thinking conspiratorially to suggest she would compromise on those specific issues. Do you? Do you really doubt that?

What percentage of Democrats who know who Klob is view her as an abusive boss?

It really kinda comes down to whether you believe “strengthening” the ACA will actually provide tangible benefits to most Americans. If you believe that, you can claim that Warren is working towards her policy goals and that she is doing it with the goal of universal healthcare.

Well considering that a large % of the people who know who she is have worked for her I’d guess quite high.

More people with health insurance is obviously good right? It’s not as good as all people having insurance of course but for every person that gets insurance that didn’t have it you are one more person closer to UHC.

Sure. But if the insurance sucks so much that people avoid going to the doctor even when they’re dying of covid, is it really insurance? There’s a ton of people out there that are paying a premium every month and then have to pay full price every time they see a doctor or specialist. Then they have to pay for any sort of blood tests or imaging. Yea, things cost money, but a lot of people have insurance that doesn’t actually work like real insurance, and giving people those plans isn’t even necessarily good for them.

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The latest is she might have lied, under oath, multiple times, as an expert witness for the prosecution, in murder trials, in cases where the defendants were found guilty. Sort of the Cadillac of lying.

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Man I wish I had thought about being an expert witness for a living.

“Well, you can see by the pattern of these tea leaves here in this cup there is no doubt that the accused is guilty.”
“Sir you are testifying for the defense.”
“Oh, in that case I mean not guilty.”


Yeah, not looking great there, have to say.

For me the reason the Tara Reade testimony is suspect is that I know that the Russians and others are going to be meddling this cycle, and a fake sexual assault accusation is hugely in their range. That’s enough to be mega suspicious without bothering to drag a potential sexual assault victim through the dirt.

I definitely think being a paid witness for the prosecution smacks of having done this exact work before lol.

Klob is so cringeworthy.