Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

That sounds familiar.

Oh yeah

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It means rather than using this formula to determine your healthcare costs

You use this forumula


Progress occurs in slow steps


Cheney was Secretary of Defence under Bush Sr. and as such an oft-noted exception to ‘running mates aren’t mates’. Whoever Biden picks for VP is unlikely to have been pals with Biden’s dad.

My bad I missed that.

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Obviously joking, Biden did release his plan to improve Obamacare, and it does improve it, by raising this limit and reducing that cash requirement, etc. It’s just hard to explain how it improves people’s lives in simple, easy- to-follow language, because it’s just tinkering with various levers.

I don’t fault Warren for adjusting her stance to try and go for VP. It is a bit funny that she stuck to her guns through the primary and then, now, decided to change now that’s auditioning for VP. Karma’s going to be that she doesn’t get the VP slot and she waffled with the end result of just looking bad.

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Of course she is softening her stance. The guy she wants to work for didn’t agree with her stance and killed her in the primary. It would be insane if she didn’t soften her stance.

She is making a logical and real world decision.

“ Ok I lost the primary with my UHC stance. I can now try for the VP role. I’m not going to be able to go full bore on UHC, but at least I can shore up the ACA and be in the room for discussion on moving towards UHC. It seems to me, based on who Biden has put on his advisory committees, he is open to more progressive shifts. I think it’s best if I be there to help push him. “

This is called being a politician, not an extremist.

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How can Kamala be a VP candidate when she DRAGGED Joe in that debate.

Half of voters (and the current President) can’t remember what happened last week.

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You don’t seriously think Joe or any of these politicos take those kinds of debate night shots personally, do you? Joe would have no problem picking Harris if he thought it would help him politically and she’d have no problem accepting.

Kamala seems to be a big favorite on PredictIt. idk if she’d be a strong pick or not compared to the other women who’s names have been floating around. She’d cheese off the far-left guys who won’t vote for Biden anyway, so that’s a wash. There’s no question she demolishes Pence in debates, but I don’t think those matter so much. I don’t see the diner patrons in PA/WI/MI being hyped for Kamala.

The whole point of picking the animated corpse of Joe Biden as the candidate was to lock up those supposedly persuadable voters.


It’s Klob.

He should have just picked Whitmer if this is the route he wanted to go down. If we lose her Senate seat that could mean the difference in the Senate.


My favorite advisor in Civilization!

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It’s probably not Klob
Others confirmed to be vetted by the Biden campaign:
Senator Maggie Hassan (NH)
Representative Val Demings
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (disputed by the Governor’s people)
Senator Tammy Duckworth (disputed by the Senator’s people)

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Warren looks pretty good next to klob

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Hey let’s not make this about how they look!

It’s a joke I’m kidding we like to have fun here.


It’s not going to be Klob. Biden’s handlers may not care about him as much as they should, but they’re not going to expose him to literal elder abuse.


If he picked Michelle Obama he wins in a landslide. :grin:

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I mean, she’s about to turn 71, and the best she can hope for this year is a minor cabinet position where she won’t be able to get any of the things that she supposedly wants. She’s up for re-election in 2024, so if Biden loses, she’s in an awkward position where running for president could literally be the end of her political career. I know everyone thinks they’re going to live forever, but I just don’t understand why she’s giving up on her supposed principles at this point.

Lol that’s my whole point. You see an inch of compromise as giving up when in fact it’s advancing her policy goals.