Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I don’t want to be mean, but because it’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I’m not sure he even said it, but I really don’t care if you cite it or not. It’s absurd and no one ever on Earth who said they aren’t going to seek a second term should ever be trusted on that. And I sure as hell know that you wouldn’t bet on that if any kind of health issue were taken as a push. Right? It’s just not credible.

But yeah, there’s a large chance he’d die or have a stroke or something.

Thanks for this new information that laws need to be voted on by Congress. Good thing that doesn’t apply to the public option or improvements to the ACA!

the warren revisionism is just sad. why would you keep going to the mat for someone who today emphasized her commitment to employer based health insurance during a pandemic?

why would you trust a person that bragged about her $20 average donation only to form a SuperPAC propped up by a rich individual who saw fit to donate to concentration camp founder Joe Arpaio?

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I mean, we can pretend that material circumstances don’t affect how you view the world, but that would be pretty silly.

I think clovis posts so well because his Canadian mind is free from health-care related stress

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We all know I’m super against m4a. :roll_eyes:

And you really don’t believe him do you?

It’s not good faith to say I believe something because of A, B, C, D and E when you really don’t believe C. That’s true even if you think you’re right and you believe A, B, D and E. There really is almost no good faith discussion on this entire site. And if someone is throwing C’s around as if they mean something, it’s just not worth engaging with them at all.

It’s bad how BernieBros blindly follow people like it’s a cult. It’s also bad that they have no loyalty and will drop people because they disagree with them.


This is a joke (in a funny because it’s true way), right?

Kind of crazy that I get repeatedly accused of intellectual dishonesty by you given all the shit that people post here from the other side completely unchecked. I 100% believe that there is a higher than normal chance that Biden serves 1 term. No it’s not likely, and of course not higher than 50%, but an 82 yr old saying “fuck this” after serving 4 years in the highest pressure office in the world is not “the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life.” Like you are aware that it is has actually happened before in history right?

More importantly, health issues or not, it’s highly likely that an energetic VP of a bumbling 78 year old man will have a much higher than normal influence on the operations and policies of the office. Would you disagree with that? This was the more relevant part of my response to champ saying it “means nothing,” so like focusing on the weakest part of the argument to say that I’m arguing in bad faith seems unfair.

Called it

Just like the DNC was never going to let warren be the nominee, they’re not going to let biden pick her for VP. Who knows what the actual mechanism to make this happen is, obama is probably involved, but there’s just almost no chance she’s anywhere close to it.

It wasn’t weak, it was dishonest. Makes it hard to bother with your other points.

What’s this business about me not checking the other side? What? I post about what I want and in response to what I want. You’re going to argue with me about what I don’t post?

If you were raised by wolves you might think so. In the real world the VP is almost always not very powerful. People like the Chief of Staff have way more influence over and contact with the President. The only exception in our lifetime was probably Cheney.

Biden is likely to die or have a stroke though, so VP is important for that reason. VP is not a lock to win the following election, but it’s a big boost, so Warren 2028 could be a thing (when she is 78 years old).

I would. Plenty of people think being VP isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit. It’s more valuable than normal here, but only because of the unusually high chance that Biden won’t serve a full term. A weak President who has to lean on people a lot will lean on staffers, advisers, confidantes etc — not on somebody they calculatedly chose for VP to maximise their electability. Running mates aren’t actually mates, basically.

Assuming no switcheroos, by the way, whoever wins the election will break the record for oldest person elected President - Biden by eight years and Trump (current record holder) by four. That’s really something.

If the DNC is never going to let Warren be the VP pick, that makes it seem like she would be a better pick than whoever they would let Biden pick. It certainly suggests that she is in no way the DNC establishment figure that some would have us believe.

Not you specifically, I’m saying people post disingenuous stuff about Warren or liberals or whatever all the time, yet my responses are the ones that get nitpicked.

So the one time in recent memory where the VP was a stronger political figure than the Pres, he actually ended up being the one with much of the power. Seems to make my point.

There are actually more types of people than just DNC establishment figures and actual progressives.

Some people act like there isn’t anyone in-between.

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It doesn’t make your point. But just to get to the real world and specifics, Biden is not going to do anything to mess with the health insurance, finance or credit card industries regardless of his VP choice. Maybe Liz could carve something out, but it doesn’t look like she’s unwilling to bend her positions towards Biden’s.

I don’t really care though. Lol VP as far as actually doing anything and she’s almost certainly the best we could hope for as far as someone waiting in the wings in case he dies. That doesn’t mean I have to scold people who don’t like that she is progressively abandoning M4A.

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Seems to me Dick Cheney had some impact as VP.