Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

I’d imagine this says more about AOC than about watevs, victoar, and champ. She is pretty much set for life at this point, like I think she needs to win one more term to have healthcare and a generous pension forever. It’s gotta be hard to stay in touch with the needs of most people when you’re completely separated from them.

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That’s just an odd way of looking at things imo. You shouldn’t pick a person and just support them no matter what they do. You should have a list of things you want to see done policy wise and support people or not to the extent that they match your policy preferences. If tomorrow AOC comes out in favour of something terrible you should support her on that issue just because you like her stance on other issues. You’re putting the cart before the horse (no big tooth pun intended).


That doesn’t answer my question. In any case…so did Warren people cancel her and post a bunch of snake emojis in response?

This. She doesn’t even really measure up to Sanders. Clearly preferable to eg Booker or Buttigieg, but far from ideal. You can get a sense of her shortcomings just by noting what kind of people think she’s above reproach.

I don’t think it’s irrelevant and Warren is probably lying to seem more conservative, but repeating the bolded there is gross. I don’t see how you can be taken as intelligent and participating in good faith if you present that as if it’s meaningful.

It’s amazing how we shifted from “you guys are being conspiracy theorists/sexists when you point out that Warren is cagey about m4a - she supports Bernie’s bill!” to “oh, so because Warren wants to have a public option and then m4a in 3 years rather than right away that shows she doesn’t actually support single payer?” to “yeah so she wants to focus on the ACA and eventually get to single payer, so what”, and somehow the people who have pointed out from day 1 that Warren isn’t committed to m4a are the unrealistic thinkers in this argument.


I don’t understand. Why? Maybe he’s lying but at the very least he’s somewhat likely to have some sort of health issue.

The very fact that she is elected makes her suspect. Ok.

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They will turn on her because they don’t live in the real world where politicians compromise, change positions as new evidence is available, and follow their constituents. They honestly think a politicians role is to take the most pure version of whatever policy and never vary an inch no matter how toothless or what new data emerges.

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change positions as new evidence is available


Having an actual plan for how you’re going to get to M4A shows more commitment than just saying you want M4A over and over again.


I wonder if maybe warren has a totally crazy idea that the role of a VP is to serve the presidents vision. Nuts I know.

Here’s a wild plan:

Draft a bill and pass it in congress. Bernie’s done the first part already!

Well if that’s the case then that’s certainly very silly. But I think it’s reasonable to say I’m disappointed in AOC because she didn’t push X hard enough for my liking, while accepting that the world is grey and sometimes (but not always) getting something done via compromising your position is better than getting nothing done.

there was a bill called Medicare for All in the senate , authored by Bernie and cosponsored by Warren. you know, an actual plan for how you’re going to get to M4A. herp derp

warren stans just mad that she wasn’t smart enough to keep repeating “i’m with bernie on medicare for all” and she probably would have won

the donor class couldn’t have that tho

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It’s the 2nd part that’s the tricky part my friend.

She isn’t running for president now!

warren’s plan was not an extension of the bill in the senate, it changed key provisions

I don’t recall AOC claiming that Warren had said something completely out of character in private so why would there be a need for snakes?

I think this is a serious failing among Dems. Republicans didn’t organically decide to form grassroots movements fighting for lower corporate tax rates. Republican politicians sold their base on these ideas. Right wing media pushed for these ideas. Fox News doesn’t have panels where the majority of the people are talking about “Well, how are we going to pay for these tax cuts? Do people actually favor them? Is America ready for these?” while one token Ron Paul supporter or whatever argues against them.

This is why people think that Dems don’t actually want to do good things.