Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

For sure if only it was one of the top 10 most progressive senators you guys would be happily signing on. Number 11 is a bridge too far.

If Trump talks constantly about any VP nominee not Palin level bad, itā€™s a win.

@geewhysee, shame on you for trolling that disgusting.

Reupping for clovis:

Warren speaking after Frank fucking Easterbrook and immediately after a joke is made about cutting the capital gains tax THAT SHE LITERALLY LAUGHS AT.

I think the hardcore Berniebros threw Bernie under the bus a few weeks ago.

At this point Biden should just pick who is most likely to help him win. Having a progressive VP means nothing and it never has.

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I know I am agreeing. She is obviously extremely right wing. Itā€™s clear. Iā€™d choose Trump over her.

ā€œiā€™m with bernieā€ on medicare for all. at least iā€™ll never have to swat down this ridiculous talking point. sheā€™s with biden. imagine doubling down on your support of employer-based insurance when 40 million people just filed for unemployment

the bad part about taking big money as a politican is I can just say that ditching Medicare for All was probably a condition of her taking 15 million from a person who also gave money to Joe Arpaio, and thereā€™s not really any way to disprove such a statement

One thing I just love - Canadians with government health care that shit on Americans fighting tooth and nail to get their own.

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A lot of you people have deep psychological issues regarding basic elements of politics.

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I think we just want good things to happen and we donā€™t want bad things to happen. I understand weā€™re living in the timeline where no good things can happen, that may be why it seems that we have deep psychological issues.


I canā€™t even tell what Iā€™m being shamed for. The ACA is a republican plan that gives people health coverage on the condition that insurance companies get enormous government handouts. Thatā€™s fact. You can claim that the compromise is worth it and its the best that could have been achieved but you canā€™t argue with the facts.

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Yea man progressive VP totally irrelevant on a ticket with a 78 year old senile man whoā€™s said he will only seek 1 term.

I thought you were responding to Clovis.

My guy literally has an AOC 2024 avatar and is arguing that Warren should be VP so she can be the nominee in 2024.


Why donā€™t you ask AOC what she thinks about Warren?

She endorsed Bernie. Over Warren.

it is psychologically healthy to accept campaigns that go to rich people and beg for a slice of the pie that fed joe arpaio

I wish there was some way to bet on watevs, victoar and champ turning on AOC. I mean itā€™s a stone lock to happen.


I mean in the current world it absolutely is.

Reflexive mischaracterisation of your interlocutor; gonna have to hand out a Malum-Fideles no-no badge, m8.