Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Since Bernie doesn’t seem to believe TaraReade and instead full-throatedly backs Biden, does that make him unsupportable?


I know some of you want to believe that Bernie bro’s are a cult around Bernie and take our marching orders from him but just because you want it to be that doesn’t mean it is


I value and respect Bernie’s judgement, don’t you?

criticism of bernie has been posted on this board on this specific issue already, not that this matters to Mimosa. his lizard brain makes him rock hard whenever the idea of dunking on a Bernie Bro comes up

I think Bernie is wrong to ask his delegates to not disparage Biden. He’s wrong about things somewhat often, in my view. He’s currently in a weird spot where if his delegates start pointing out Biden’s skeletons, the story immediately becomes about how Bernie bros are costing us the election again. The problem is, that’s going to be the narrative if Biden loses no matter what.

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You should realize by now facts are wholly and completely irrelevant in constructing his worldview.


The chance of the story being false increases, but my point is even if it increases significantly, it can easily still be low. Tweaing your hypothetical, if fabulists make up a rape story with probability q instead of p, where q<<p, then q/(q+p) will still be low. I don’t have data on what q should be, but it’s safe to say it’s less than p. Even among fabulists it takes a special kind of sicko to make up being raped.

Is it a fact that most people with “only” one rape accuser are innocent?

How about Biden’s present-day behavior being relevant when considering how he might have behaved in the past? The guy can’t even contain himself around females on camera, so what does that say about how he might behave off camera?

ETA: for the record I’m only accepting the “fabulist” characterization for the sake of argument.

Since we know that this isn’t true, because we live in the real world, I hope you can see your errors.

Like what are you even saying here? That a significant percentage of rape allegations are false? We know that’s not true. That the percentage of women who get assaulted is really low? We also know that’s not true.

Oh, you’re trying to say that the pool of fabulists that might make up a story about biden, is larger than the pool of people with genuine stories. Well, since most dudes (I hope) are not Weinstein level rapists, it would still follow that you think most reports are made up by fabulists, because most reports are not about Weinstein level rapists. They’re just about random dudes in peoples lives.

I had to go to Biden’s site myself to see if that was really there because of how bad it is, and it is there. If you click on the twitter link, you can see Frank Luntz defending biden by pointing out that biden wants to restore diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority, while still withholding “certain assistance to the PA unless it is taking measures to end acts of violence against Israeli and U.S. citizens”. That Luntz is making mealy mouthed defenses of the guy says a lot about him.

Of all the people we have in national politics, has anyone ever been caught being a handsy creep more on camera than compulsive liar Joseph Biden?

That is why most people believe his accuser.

I guess I’m just wondering whether people realize that most people in the general are going to go with this logic and think he’s a rapist, and that they will be completely reasonable in doing so.


When I hear someone’s name is Neil, I still know it’s not likely that they walked on the moon. How likely is it that someone who we know has lied at least 4 times is 25 years, including lying about a college degree made up a rape story (accusing a handsy creep) and told people about it many years ago in a non-sensational way, not seeking publicity or payment out of it or any benefit?

In the thick of primary season, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden brawled over "Medicare for All”: He called her approach “angry,” “elitist,” “condescending”; she shot back, anyone who defends the health care status quo with industry talking points is “running in the wrong presidential primary.”

Six months later, with Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee and Warren in the running for VP, she is striking a more harmonious chord.

“I think right now people want to see improvements in our health care system, and that means strengthening the Affordable Care Act,” she told students at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics this week, while adding that she still wants to get to single payer eventually.

The shift is the latest public signal Warren has sent Biden’s way in recent weeks that she wants the job of vice president — and wants Biden to see her as a loyal governing partner despite their past clashes, which go back decades.

:snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake: :snake:


I can’t imagine the death blow to progressive politics if the 11th most progressive member of the senate were to become VP. It would surely be the final coming of the Handmaids Tale.

FYI, there are no Bernie Bros.


What does “strengthening the affordable care act” even mean? Shoveling even more money down the throats of insurance companies?


Warren is, at best, a neutral pick. More likely Trump can just talk about her nonstop and she actually hurts Biden.

It’s Warren so knowing her long history of extreme right wing policy positions it obviously means cutting off healthcare to all old and poor people and making a law that only billionaires get to visit hospitals.

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Yes. That’s exactly what it means.

For sure given her decades long history of being in the pocket of big buisness.

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Like yea, it seems like her position is evolving to increase her chances of getting picked for VP which would probably be a good thing? but is just never happening. But we’re now left wondering what she actually believes, and I honestly have no idea at this point. Like, five years from now, she could come out with a “repeal the ACA and let the market sort it out” take and it wouldn’t surprise me.