Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

You are an aggressively stupid person, with a set of opinions so entirely askew with reality that it borders on conversing with a fictional character. When you referred to the wrong Bush in your unconvincingly performative decrying of my lack of knowledge, I actually considered that you might have done so on purpose, just in hopes of prompting a reply. But no, that’s giving you entirely too much credit. You’re just a complete fucking cretin. Your baby-brain antics will have you wiping a tear from your eye at the unveiling of a statue to Bush, assuming you’ve got the right one this time. What an absolute waste of space, utter simpleton.


True not directly but sort of back handedly by mocking where she came from and her school. Not a huge thing I just thought it diminished the really good points they were making.

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got em


“President Tweety” is pretty lame.

It needs to be something that insults either his intelligence or his bravado. Nothing else will work.


President human fucking filth has a nice ring to it.


“Diaper Don” would be good if Biden didn’t also wear an adult diaper and struggle to complete sentences.

Feel like boomers would love “Don the Con.”

Donald Dumbfuck is my nominee.

Diaper don loses the olds vote who are the only people who vote in America.

That’s not a fight Biden wants to start, good grief.

Dim-witted Donald

Dim-witted Donald’s dysfunctional and draconian democracy debacle

Seems like a good tag line

I can hear them scrambling for their voting boots in WI/MI/PA, how are you not doing this for a living.




I think Donnie Dumb Dumb has a nicer ring to it.

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That’s a lot of goddamned hearts and I’m glad you’re back putting the Smart in Smart Guy Centrism but, counterpoint:



We heard your stupid racist ass the first 37 times. It doesn’t get less stupid and racist on the 38th.

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This cat black person is pushing voting a watermelon for Biden out of a lake in SC, your argument is invalid.

That’s because it’s ~all bullshit.

If trump tries to Destroy Democracy a Republican will probably assassinate him. They’re cool with this shit up to a point but the Tom Cottons aren’t going to sit back and watch Fredo and Other Fredo and Girl Fredo take a turn at being prez.