Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Posts like this are scary. When we get the next horrible president will you be saying you’ll snap vote Trump over xxx 15 years from now?

Unless you only count American lives in your calculation, Katrina was bad, but man Bush had a lot of worse things than that. Bush has destabilized regions around the world, made the world more dangerous, created countless terrorists, made the War on Terror possible so we can burn through hundreds of billions of our own money to fight everywhere in the world, and is responsible for the deaths of millions around the world. I know Trump is drawing live to a lot of that shit but come on man, there is no way Bush is a snap vote over Trump.


Bob is right about that. Biden is being gifted the nomination from the party establishment. Trump took his nomination despite their opposition. But how does Trump have power over the GOP? It’s because he has a lot of devoted followers. So, thank goodness everyone thinks Biden sucks I guess.


Yea, I agree with this. Six months ago my thoughts were that yea, trump is bad, but not start two unnecessary wars and blow up the economy bad. But now things are a lot different. I guess the one thing I didn’t see coming is him fucking up the response to the pandemic this much. The whole problem from the beginning is the lack of leadership, no one knows what to do or how to react because no one knows what’s coming.

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I’m struggling to see how we could get much worse because I’m naive as shit. But yes, if we had a guy that was worse than Trump, I’d vote Trump over him

Krystal is spot on here:

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Good piece although I don’t understand the Ford trashing.


It’s telling that this slippery slope garbage is Hearted by all the Euros. Equating Bush with Trump is their blindest blind spot; next to reasonable tipping.

It’s almost like they give a shit about non Americans or something!


Trump literally thinks you all are from shithole countries FYI.

He called African countries shithole countries but you are a true american when it comes to geography

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!= “thinks”

Keep your reading up. Trump hates all foreigners icymi.

Fwiw I personally don’t quite agree with the argument that the forever war on terror means Bush is worse than Trump. However, arguing that Trump’s horrible difference is because as well as killing people he also hurts their feelings seems a bit daft.

Oh so you know what’s in Trumps mind? please tell us more

The moral leadership of the Presidency as it pertains to treatment of “the other” has been absolutely undermined by Trump far more than Bush.

These are the same arguments people make who adhere to the Obama deported more people than Trump ergo he’s worse than Trump.

These are childish thoughts and deserve scorn and little else.

Also for the record I wasn’t saying the war on terror means Bush is worse, I just wouldn’t snap call Bush over Trump and part of it is because of that.


Does anyone believe that Trump would have been better at responding to 9/11 or that Bush would be worse at responding to COVID-19? That’s part of how I look at it when arguing who is worse.


I just found it amusing that you responded to the argument, “Bush killed loads and loads of foreigners, so he’s maybe not trivially way better than Trump,” with, “ha, look at these idiot foreigners thinking that’s sensible analysis!” And I made a weak-ish gag. I mean, even here you’re still countering with stuff just about the moral leadership of Americans. Can you not see a tiny sliver of why that might look a bit crass?

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I don’t think they trashed Ford, they were talking about how Ford passed the medias test of being from the intellectual elite class rather than someone who couldn’t pay rent on time in the past.