Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Most people just do what they’re told to and are programmed by tv.

Would you say it’s #allpeople

I would say most people just accept whatever they’re told, how they were raised, what media they see and what people around them say without giving it much thought. That was pretty clear wasn’t it?


dunno what happened in PA but in the state seems like every dem incumbent with a challenger in the state house just lost.

There is no how to cope with it if we don’t have free will.


Trump got more votes in PA yesterday than all the Dems combined. It’s over.

We certainly have the perception of free will. Honestly though we’re all probably just following our coding.

Sure, this is a tough problem. Ultimately, I honestly don’t even think it matters what the answer is, though. It doesn’t change anything.

Yeah, this pretty quickly ends up in repeating republican talking points. 80% of black people are getting hoodwinked, all democratic politicians, black and white are in on it etc. Biden did well with black voters because he closely aligned with them on the issues, especially older black voters which make up a disproportionately high percentage of democrats compared to other ethnic groups.

It’s not pretty, but I think the Democratic party needs to do a much better job of making sure it isn’t true. There are way too many democratic mayors who put in curfews over the last week to claim there’s not truth to it at all.

Are black voters even overwhelmingly against the curfews? I think much of this confusion comes from white liberals just assuming that black democrats agree with them on everything. There is more diversity among black democrats in terms of age, religiosity, rural vs urban, south vs north etc than white dems. The mayor of my town implemented a curfew and I didn’t see much backlash from white or black people.

This issue is the reason why many of those non-liberal blacks are Democrats. I don’t know of any polls, but I think it’s pretty unlikely that the black community is in favor of undermining the protests.

I think you can be for the protests and for the curfews. And I don’t consider those black democrats “non liberal”. They just may have different views than white liberals.

It seems as if the curfews have actually helped distill the message in the protests and persuaded more people that they’re legitimate and not just a cover for fringe elements to loot and destroy minority-owned businesses.

I mean. 2008 was never close to competitive.

2012 was by no means easy, given the economy. I seem to remember the Republicans being pretty smug about it being a cakewalk.

Eh. Obama led every poll from like late august to early October. The polling sharply turned, and we got a month of memes about Hurricane Sandy changing everything. Turns out it didn’t change much.

2012 was much closer than 2008, for sure, and I’m not sure what lessons to take from it. My heart wants to tell me the lesson is that people were more into Obama when he promised change, and less into him when they found out he meant trying different heritage foundation policies. My head says the lesson is that we shouldn’t be comfortable with single digit polling leads.

You can’t.