Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

guy who’s watching our Insta Stories but not responding to our texts

Isn’t that ghosting?

Ghosting means to cut all contact with someone you had previous contact with. So you can’t dump someone who completely stopped talking to you, they already dumped you.

If Florida Man pulls it off in November, after I’m done crying I’m gonna laugh my ass off at snowflakes like you who say we don’t need votes.


According to the article he:

  • founded a nonprofit political organization that functions much the same as a super PAC.

  • That organization has taken in nearly 1 million dollars, much of which came from donations larger than what are allowed by the campaign finance act.

  • While he did found the group, he has not held any formal role in the group since 2016

  • The money is being spent by the group to help his campaign.

Do I understand right, and did I say any of the magic words you were looking for me to say?

Is there really no way to express disagreement with a Pete voter without trashing them personally?


The magic words are that neither he nor his campaign direct or coordinate with the group, ie he hasn’t done anything with Our Revolution. The article doesn’t even imply otherwise, it just ridiculously headlines Our Revolution, a very public group, as a Shadow Organization like it’s the Koch Network (which meets in secret, tries to hide membership, throws out media).

Yeah, I know no candidates direct super pacs, or at least they aren’t supposed to, and that’s why I haven’t thrown shade on candidates for what groups they don’t control do. That’s a systemic problem. But, they do get to decide where they have their campaign fundraisers and how much they charge people to sit and have dinner with them.

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“We invest our money … in things like organizing and phone banks and canvassing voters on issues that matter. We aren’t running ads or doing glossy mailers,” he said.

The money is being spent on trying to register voters and basically just community out reach and talking to people about the issues. Not on ADs which is what super pacs spend 99% of their money on.

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What the literal fuck are you talking about? You’re saying straight up that we don’t need @skydiver8’s vote and that she’s an awful person. That’s the opposite of tiptoeing around.

If your reaction to criticism is “good job making me vote for Trump,” you belong in a NYT diner piece, not the Democratic Party.

Personally, I have higher aspirations than Mitt Romney’s American Enterprise Institute health care plan. YMMV.

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I’m not burning any forum bridges over this so you do you, but you seem to be being exceedingly mean to a poster who didn’t call you out by name? She had already left the 2020 primary thread, the only reason she posted in this one I surmise was because this is a new thread that she had yet to put on ignore because the old one hit 10k.


No bridge to burn for me. @Vict0ar is clearly a disgusting and deranged person.


Thank-you. I did read the article before asking any questions about it btw.

I think I properly understand after re-reading it a few more times.

  • Technically, as per the article, the organization itself seems to be in violation of campaign finance law since it was founded by Mr Sanders.

  • With that said, the amount raised by Our Revolution is incredibly small compared to funds directly raised by his campaign, and as per his spokesman he does not direct or co-ordinate with the Our Revolution. They (OR) decide how they spend those funds, and they are spending it on things like “organizing and phone banks and canvassing voters on issues that matter”

  • The “bad faith” element comes from the article seemingly trying to paint him as the same as other candidates who do raise via super PAC, when the amount of money isn’t really comparable, it isn’t being used in the same way, and the violation of campaign finance law is more of a technicality and not related to any ongoing involvement with OR.

Hopefully I got my head around things right now? Please correct me if I am off the mark on something or still not “getting it”.

Ya, I’m not a Mayo Pete fan but the personal attacks and general hostility are getting out of hand imo.


I was on the Warren hype train for a long time, but she’s now my #2 after badly bobbling M4A. I do think she’s put in enough work since her 40’s to convince me that she’s not a crypto-Republican.


Victor you think you’re being some kind of principled warrior for the forces of righteousness here but what you’re actually doing is acting like a 6 year old. There’s nothing wrong with either skydiver or Goebs. This is an entirely liberal forum and you’re acting like you’re manning the machine gun against fascists. Get over yourself.


He’s not acting like he is 6, he is acting like someone who enjoys the dopamine hits you get from online engagement. It causes people to act in ways that get more attention.

Oh wait, yeah you’re right, he is acting like a 6 year old.

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I think Sky has posted bad faith dishonest things, and I haven’t been shy about calling that out, but I’m not going to say she shouldn’t be in the party or that she is, as a whole, a bad person or bad faith poster.

I also think we should consider that someone can, in good faith, support a politician who is a sleazebag and operates in bad faith. Most of us fell prey to that with Obama, to various extents, although he’s probably better than Pete.

Like, I don’t know whether I believe Sky that she thought “Medicare for all” meant “making sure everyone has some form of health insurance” (I lean towards no), but certainly there are SOME people who don’t know anything about the policy debate and completely buy it when these candidates call their shitty plans some variation of Medicare for all.


It’s fundamentally bad faith, terrible arguing to just accuse your rival of what you’ve gotten nailed for.

Like, “yeah I’ve taken tons of money from corporate overlord scumbags but Bernie does it too!” is not a compelling argument because you’re fundamentally accepting your own behavior as bad.