Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Should make a republican primary thread for Pete supporters.


they kept asking for money when they knew they didn’t need it. Look it’s the game, whatever, same as it ever was, every one of them is at best a misleading hypocritical sack of shit, but if they weren’t they’d have zero chance of winning right now.

also who’s violating campaign laws, nobody is enforcing them so they’re do whatever the fuck you want right now.

Yeah there’s no enforcement. That doesn’t make everything equally bad. Your both sidsing every wrong as being equal is exactly the fascist strategy. “sure I’m a well known liar and fraud, but the othe guy picks his nose so who cares?”

I don’t know if delegates should really be throwing shade at other candidates.

Consider grabbing a knife first

I held out for a long time thinking she meant well and was just too deeply invested in GOPete to save face, but that seems less and less likely as time goes on unfortunately. Supporting him at this point while simultaneously engaging in bad faith smears on far better candidates means you are not a progressive, not a centrist, barely even a dem.


Can someone help me understand what makes it a “bad faith smear” in this case? Genuinely asking.

Is the line that “yes, what Sanders is doing with Our Revolution is wrong and hypocritical, but its less wrong than candidates taking superpac donations and its the only way to compete so its ok

Or is the line that “What Sanders is doing is fine and shouldn’t be portrayed as though it isn’t”?

I realise different people might have different answers, and perhaps neither of the above match them. Just genuinely want to understand this piece a bit better.

at no point have I suggested equally bad; I’m saying everybody who’s trying to make points one way or another is full of shit and that nobody cares and it’s obvious if it came out tomorrow russia was literally financing bernie’s campaign, not a single bernie supporter would give a shit like a trump one wouldn’t.

I would argue it’s quintessential Dem.

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I don’t think she was “smearing”. I think she was trying to say “see Bernie has dark money too”.

Part 2 implies part one. If everybody’s full of shit nobody can be trusted, everybody is equally bad. Which you seem to think based on your next argument. It’s a bullshit gaslighting argument whose function is to normalize systemic corruption.

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I don’t think badly of @skydiver8. We don’t all have to agree on everything. I don’t like Pete’s positions, but I don’t hate him or anything and I have good friends who I disagree with more.

That said, regarding the bolded, nah, it doesn’t at all mean she’s not a dem.


You really hate dems.

You’re right, I posted after discussing some GOPete related nonsense IRL and was just annoyed with his bullshit.

I guess what I meant to portray was along the lines of what AOC said a few days ago; in many countries skydiver would not be in the same party as progressives. Unfortunately American politics in their current form means the Dem party umbrella casts a wide shadow, one that skydiver does fall under. We’ll need her vote for Bernie in the general…

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What is Sanders doing with Our Revolution?

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I’m referencing the article skydiver8 linked, about Sanders using it to raise funds for his campaign and also it seemingly obfuscates who the donors are until after the end of the year.

I’m talking about that article too. Did you read it? If not, read it and then tell me what Bernie Sanders is doing with Our Revolution.

Does she not know what ghosted means?

I’m done with Liz. As the campaign has progressed its become much easier to understand how she was once a Republican.


Always has been and still is my biggest problem with Liz that she was a Republican as an adult. Iran-Contra and death squads in Central America? Still a Republican at over 40 years old. Maybe if she had a really really clear FP that was the opposite of what she used to vote for it’d be fine, but she barely seems to care about it.