Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

You guys continued ignorance on Yang is what it is. Policy is the thing he’s doing better than anyone else in the field. He’s well liked by both Bernie and Biden. Bernie is going to need a lot of help filling in the details of his revolution and Biden has already told Yang that he’s one of the first people he’s calling if he wins the nomination.

He’s also a heck of a campaigner and will be a crazy strong surrogate in the general. Typically those people get jobs in the new government after they win.

You guys really might as well get to know the guy… he’s got a much brighter political future than Beto.

from wikipedia:

kinda sounds like a businessbro

Maybe we define it differently but I’ve personally met dozens of people that have worked for him and he doesn’t put profits before people.

The people in his classes seem to have taken a different message from him.


You think Yang is going to be out traveling giving stump speeches for the democratic nominee? I don’t see that happening beyond some one off thing.

And even if he did he’d get like 30 people tops. Once he’s out of the race no one will GAF about Andrew Yang.

He’ll be back in 2024 for sure.

Are my eyes👀 OK?




Don’t get up.


+14?? Like… why?


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From a PredictIt poster:

They might actually under reporting Sander’s support. 37% of respondents are under 50 in this poll but in 2016 the under 50 vote made 49% of the electorate.

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


Also worth noting NH also has the 15% cutoff, so Bernie could be raking in damn-near all of the delegates if the voting looks like this on primary day.

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I mean that sounds like the time I had a multiway all-in pot on a final table 1 time and made 1st by winning it all… I had KK BTW :joy:

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Yes, we’re the ignorant ones.

Oh man, Bernie getting most of the delegates and Biden completely whiffing would be chef’s kiss.


Getting Bloomberg ads on my ESPN pods. Just a hard working middle class guy that created every single job in the last 20 years.