Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Yang is just on some insane Marie Antoinette shit. That’s how history is going to remember him. Did late-stage capitalism take your job and kick you out on the streets? Here’s $12k, have fun eating dogfood in a tenement somewhere. Hillary’s “learn to code!” patter was more uplifting than this Neoliberal 2.0 dogshit they’re feeding us. Jeff Bezos’s worker drones are going to displace millions of jobs and funnel unimaginable wealth to the 0.001%ers. People are buying $2.5M watches with solid sapphire casings right now. Are you settling for your $12k scraps or are you making these assholes ante up?


$3k/mo! No, $6k!

$12k/year, unless you’re truly needy and on on public assistance, in which case you get less. I’m on a roll and I’ve had a few beers here.

Look, I just think MOP’s Ante Up needs to be taught in public schools as the extremely prescient national anthem of the early 21st century. Like, we could all just take their shit if we wanted to and we weren’t so badly gaslighted.


If I could get m4a and $1,000 a month I will start walking the Earth tomorrow.


lol, the businessbros aren’t ever going to give you that. You have to take it from them.

Bank robber is in my range. Maybe jewelry thief. Healthcare is hard to steal though. Although I did see that movie John Q.


You do know that Yang is not going to be president though?


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I really need to see that movie some time. If we want to talk about early 2000’s pop culture that was 20+ years ahead of its time, that’s a poster child. Also, with all the wildfires going on in Australia, I think Mos Def from 2008 deserves a re-listen:

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“I’m a 50-year-old-black woman, and I tend to be middle of the road," Myers said. “I’m voting what I think is best for all of us, not just me. … I’m not a left-wing liberal. I’m not even a left-wing Democrat. But I am a realist."



A Richland County Councilwoman is voting for Bernie? Huge if true.

After the dunks on Warren for her “pure fantasy” M4A plan, we have here a proudly posted article in which a voter says she’s voting for Bernie Sanders in part because she knows he won’t pass his legislative agenda.

When questioned how someone who considered herself a conservative Democrat could support a candidate like Sanders, whose proposals including “Medicare for All” suggest government growth on an as-yet unknown scale, Myers said she did have some concerns but expressed doubt that such measures would ever become law without changes.

Medicare for All will have to go through Congress," she said. “He’s not going to pull a Donald Trump."



Candidate A proposes a plan that, if enacted in they way they want it to be, will be a great outcome.

Candidate B proposes a plan that, if enacted in they way they want it to be, will be a worse outcome, although still an improvement.

The fact that neither will get exactly what they want isn’t a reason to prefer candidate B, no matter how hard the Warren stans want you to believe it is.


If SC is even a little bit close the eDems are fucked.

The endorsement you were waiting for:

Williamson also praised Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, writing that she admires both of them but that “right now they don’t need my help” ahead of next month’s caucuses.


I’m sure Yang really appreciates the support.

He is going to be remembered for putting UBI in the national discussion.

He didn’t invent the idea, he is just making it mainstream.

I don’t know why you keep characterizing him as a businessbro. If you actually look at his career he has been practicing what he preaches and thinks we should put humans before capital.

Yang’s most likely result from this cycle is that he’s going to end up in the next Democratic administration. The eventual nominee doesn’t ever matter all that much. Good choice for Labor probably.

Huh? Yang’s most likely outcome is that he wins nothing and gets ignored. He’s a big dog to have a role in any administration except his own. A one trick pony where that trick has no real analog to a current government need is hardly a must-have commodity.


Yeah. Yang will not be anywhere near a high ranking government official in 2020. Maybe he could run for a lower office wherever he’s from.

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