Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

you never replied to my question in the debates thread

I don’t know what you are referring to.

That’s a weird hypothetical

(probably would be bigger news if Biden did it to a female reporter too, is all I mean)

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This seems pretty exciting, actually. No?

I realize this might not sound genuine, but I’m sincere. Are these representing big jumps for Bernie? If so (or maybe even if not!) this feels pretty big to me…?

Yes, previous polls in these states have shown on average Biden with a slight lead / tied with Bernie. Essentially, Warren’s drop in support is resulting in Bernie increasing in these polls.

Just thought of a good Bernie slogan after the Hilldawg nonsense earlier this week: “He’s with you.”


On what is this assumption based? Bernie has been doing politics much longer and doing it in Washington much longer. He knows the players better and has more experience.

That coupled with his theory of power being you need to enlist the public to pressure their representatives vs Warren’s Sorkinesque compromise incrementalism, and I think Bernie has a much better likelihood of getting literally anything done in office.

The transition to M4A will not be perfect. The system will not be much better than the status quo until the kinks have been worked out and a young, healthy population is enrolled. On top of this will be the horrific smears that will try to tear down M4A. In Bernie’s scenario, younger people will be voting and fighting for a system that’s waiting for them. They just need to advocate and survive until the whole thing will be in place. For Warren, everyone will be voting to decide if they want to once again tinker with the system and go to M4A, after it has been in it’s awkward transition phase and has been attacked from every angle. Attempting to create a half measure, and then voting again seems like a much more difficult path. The time is now.


It’s not gonna happen here.

I honestly don’t know how you can argue otherwise on this. Doing it in two separate votes will never happen, period.

That was awesome. That reporter is such a nerd douche.

The argument in favor of Warren as I see it is that she will be better in identifying areas where change can be made without having to mess with Congress.

Both she and Bernie are going to have a incredibly hard time getting anything big passed through the Senate. Especially if Bernie remains unwilling to get rid of the filibuster, there are simply limited avenues to actually pass sweeping legislation. People power is great, but it has limits. It probably prevented full ACA repeal, but Trump has still managed to erode the law in lots of smaller ways. And, as one other example, yelling at Senators didn’t keep Kavanaugh off the bench.

Given that legislation will be hard, the Presidents’ best leverage is arguably going to occur through administrative rule making and executive orders as well as dictating enforcement priorities. My impression is that Warren has given more thought to this approach. I think she’d come into office with a bunch of orders ready to sign and know who she wants running her agencies. Bernie might have a plan to do this too, but at least in what I’ve seen, I haven’t heard him talk as much about this issue, so I’m not sure if he’s as prepared to use his executive powers for max advantage when the legislative path gets blocked.


Tbh I think this take is a bit unfair. She did a lot of work w/r/t bank ruptcy and consumer protection before she even got into politics. It was only after she was blocked from heading the cfpb y hf at she ran for office. I thi k s by e genuinely cares about a couple of issues and sees a presidential run as the best way to effect the change she wants.
I also think the change she wants is nit nearly enough and her political instincts are lolbad.

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Yeah, fair point. But how’s that working out for Obama? The next administration can roll back her entire agenda again if it’s all executive action and rules interpretation. Lasting change requires both legislation and packing the courts. And that means winning lots of elections for the next 20 years, and that requires a real political organization, not a few good people at the top maneuvering in the cracks of the system.

Warren picked up an endorsement today from Jamie Raskin. Not a well known name so I wouldn’t expect any polling bumps but if I had to pick 10 MoC to start a new government with he’d be on the list.

My big problem with Yang is that he won’t acknowledge that racists will hate his idea?

At first I thought the direction he was going to go was that focusing on “citizens” leaves out so many people who are in the US. Butnah.


I think Warren’s experience with the CFPB makes her more capable with the minutiae of administration. I think Warren would be better at accomplishing things within a role like Cabinet secretary. I think she has a better grasp of what can be done without going through Congress. Given their differing views on abolishing the filibuster, I think she’s more likely to do things pragmatically, whereas Bernie might not exert executive power every way he can due to some idealistic, ideological view of what is appropriate.

I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding of Warren’s motivation and character.


How priceless is it that Clinton talking shit and CNN rigging another primary debate have pushed Bernie into the lead?

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