Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

:rat: :rat: :rat:

The rat is a friendly rat. Discourse foresaw all of this.

KING. Damnit - parody. Got me:(

KING (parody)

Biden goes negative.

2 hours later…GET HIM BERNIE

30 seconds. That’s a TV spot. Then there’s this, four page summary they dropped on Bidens record.

They had this shit queued up. I love it


I’m legitimately rustled by this Hillary thing. Not sure these excerpts are posted yet:

This argument about whether or not or when he did or didn’t say that a woman couldn’t be elected, it’s part of a pattern. If it were a one-off, you might say, “OK, fine.” But he said I was unqualified. I had a lot more experience than he did, and got a lot more done than he had, but that was his attack on me. I just think people need to pay attention because we want, hopefully, to elect a president who’s going to try to bring us together, and not either turn a blind eye, or actually reward the kind of insulting, attacking, demeaning, degrading behavior that we’ve seen from this current administration.

“It’s not only him -it’s the culture around him,” Clinton said. “It’s his leadership team. It’s his prominent supporters. It’s his online Bernie bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women.”

You’re married to a fucking rapist! The nerve of Hillary Clinton tut-tutting at someone for being disrespectful of women, holy shit.

As for the “unqualified” thing, I went and looked it up. Clinton said this about Sanders:

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Wednesday questioned whether her rival in the Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), is qualified to be president.

“I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood,” Clinton said in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” just one day after losing the Wisconsin primary to Sanders, “and that does raise a lot of questions.”

Note that the claim that Clinton said he wasn’t qualified is from WaPo, she didn’t say that, but it’s not a particularly unfair characterisation of her words. Later, on Morning Joe, Clinton was asked three times whether Sanders was qualified and dodged the question every time. Sanders hit back with this:

“Well let me, let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton: I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is, if she is, through her super PAC, taking tens of millions of dollars in special interest funds,” he said. “I don’t think you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super PAC.”

Sanders pivoted to her record on foreign policy, saying, “I don’t think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq. I don’t think you are qualified if you’ve supported virtually every disastrous trade agreement, which has cost us millions of decent-paying jobs. I don’t think you are qualified if you supported the Panama free trade agreement, something I very strongly opposed and which, as all of you know, has allowed corporations and wealthy people all over the world to avoid paying their taxes to their countries.”

THAT is what has got her complaining about “sexism” four years later, after he held his nose and campaigned for her. What a disgusting person.


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Can’t really do that because it would remind everyone how much they liked Obama and how much Biden falls short even of the fairly disappointing of the reality that Obama turned out to be. Would open the doors to some really vicious counterattacks.

Biden brings up Obama like every other sentence anyway so Johnny’s also wrong.

Biden doesn’t have the go-ahead from Obama. Even as a DemE Obama knows Biden is no good. Maybe especially so after 8 years of association.


Like, duh. Obv.

I can’t speak for others but that’s why I point out the differences between Ds and Rs and various related nitpicks. It’s not to cheerlead the Dems, it’s to say HOLY FUCKING SHIT OUR LEFT WING PARTY IS ACTUALLY A RIGHT WING PARTY THAT’S FUCKING BANANAS,

People ITF? Name names, let’s get a struggle session going.

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And with a 3% lead nationally in CNN poll he ‘joins’ Biden!

Sanders has also pulled about even with Biden among voters of color (30% for Sanders, 27% for Biden).

Lol, imagine writing about someone surging ahead and describing it as ‘pulling about even’


LOL Steyer ahead of GOPete and Warren



There’s no way Steyer has more than 2%

All it takes is saying hi to Bernie and you get an immediate bump


Bloomberg lighting millions of dollars on fire to buy TV ads and only getting 3% is amazing.


Good night, Liz.