Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?



I mean… I’d take Steyer over Biden/Pete/Klob so him gaining momentum doesn’t actually bother me.


The name itself is awesome

Really glad to see someone actually punching Biden in the face finally. Get 'em Bernie! (and please stop apologizing for supporters calling the corrupt dude corrupt lol… in fact order up about 20 more op ed’s by supporters calling out various parts of Bidens lengthy and shameful record as a decidedly corrupt lawmaker)

Her name is probably a huge part of why she lost her election and isn’t currently serving in Congress.

Just before halftime of the AFC championship game, a touchdown scramble by Patrick Mahomes pulled his team about even with Tennessee (Chiefs 21, Titans 17).


Eroding Grandpa Joe’s African American support seems like a huge deal moving forward.


He loses African American support and he’s finished. Full stop. If he doesn’t roflstomp SC his campaign is over.


Hilariously I think the only reason she made that last debate she was in was explicitly because of HRC taking a shot at her. HRC taking shots at Bernie might just sink Biden. HRC is in complete denial about how actively she’s hated by all but about 55-60% of the 45+ year old Democratic base… and just how soft her support is among the rest.

A lot of her defenders on this board only defend her because you internalized the idea that admitting that she’s complete and utter trash makes you a misogynist/bad person in 2016. It doesn’t and she is. She’s no friend to women, a genuinely bad person, and the worst political candidate of our lifetimes to credibly run for President. She lost to Donald Trump, and while there were dozens of reasons for why she lost a significant majority of those reasons can be directly linked to her making terrible choices repeatedly out of hubris and stupidity. It’s certainly true that the right told a lot of lies about her over the years, but they weren’t as exaggerated as we made them out to be, and her being competent was the biggest individual lie of the 2016 cycle.

God Republicans are such snowflakes


LOL +1 to fuck Tulsi.

That poll is the states he’s not running in. Bloomberg’s actually ahead of Pete now nationally averaging those polls. Recent one just out at 9%.

Steyer is still nothing nationally but he’s definitely a factor to steal some delegates in NV/SC because he’s the only one running ads there.

Those ads aren’t enough to get them there, but they’re working well enough for them atm.

Might be ironic enough that if bernie wins, it’s because bloomberg/steyer took enough of the low info voter lane from biden. Bernie wouldn’t have won in a headsup contest vs biden due to so many of them.

Discovery one time please

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Biden surges past Warren in Wisconsin and California, Pete in a strong fourth.


Just read something that I thought was really interesting on Trump’s yammering about toilets and light bulbs:

Trump’s complaints about low-flow toilets and new-fangled lightbulbs may seem trivial, but they’re actually wonderful tools for communicating and getting support for his positions. Essentially, he’s telling his audience:

  1. Here’s something that you encounter in your lives that used to work much better, and now doesn’t work as well;
  2. The reason it doesn’t work as well is because of liberal environmental policy; and
  3. Even I - a rich and powerful man - am annoyed by this, because I can’t escape it either.

This does a few critical things. It makes his position on environmental regulation understandable - he’s tying it to examples that his audience will have personally encountered, on a scale in their own lives, and to which they personally will have felt annoyance or frustration. By employing the synecdoche of talking about very tiny (but visible) aspects of environmental policy, he doesn’t have to get into the weeds of any other aspects of his deregulatory approach. It also plays to nostalgia , looking backwards to a time when things were better - a cornerstone of conservative appeals generally, and perfect for the “Those Were The Days” theme of his campaign. That “remember when things worked!” message

And by making those complaints about himself , he ends up forming a tighter bond with his audience - because these indignities are happening to him too , not just to them. It humanizes him. Billionaires - they’re just like us!

Is it dumb for the President of the U.S. to be talking about toilets? On one level, yes. But on another level, ordinary people care about whether their toilets work - and are going to respond well to a President who also is saying that it matters whether toilets work. If we can criticize a candidate for not knowing the price of a gallon of milk as being out of touch, showing that you know the frustration of a low flow toilet after using it is a canny move.

I’m not suggesting that Trump is a strategic genius rather than a button-mashing applesauce brain. But it did cast his rally speeches in a different light for me, and I hope that Democrats are smart enough to absolutely focus on things that affect the electorate in tangible ways when it comes time for the general election.

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Complaining about low flow toilets and newfangled light bulbs has been standard reactionary old person fodder my entire adult life and I’m pretty old. I guarantee Trump has been ranting about this for at least 20 years.


I don’t really think this analysis is correct. Aside from the fact that she won the popular vote handily, she only lost to GOAT politician of our era Obama’s 2012 total by fewer than a million votes. Trump gained 2 million vs Romney. She also did quote a bit better than democratic house candidates who actually lost the popular vote. Of course you can say that dems would have won that with someone else, but I think the total picture paints that HRC was a mediocre candidate in a tough year for dems across the board against another not great candidate who got very lucky to win. An actually WOAT candidate would have lost pop vote to Trump in 2016.