Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

And that was like 5 minutes after “oh well, Bolsanaro gonna Bolsanaro”.


He gets like 48% among black democrats which is better than any candidate does with any demo that large and it barely helps(if at all) in Iowa.

ok, boomer

Biden winning Iowa means the southern states have no reason not to vote for him and that’s SC + a fair # on super tuesday. Bernie’s path requires either 2nd w no biden winning IA or it himself, winning NH, probably winning NV though that might be close either way, same with CA and holding on for the ride.

Dunno about everyone out to stop him part everyone keeps thinking unless they actually do start frequently attacking him as a candidate rather than the keep him out of pictures of polls passive stuff as that’s not gonna do shit–Hillary might be dumb enough to actually try even more than already–maybe the only positive thing someone could do that could put a dent is an Obama endorsement of someone else and he’s on the record as saying joe doesn’t have it and really not much overlap on the obama/bernie voting train anyway. Bernie is already on the anti-establishment path.

Yes things sure are looking dire for the GOP :roll_eyes:


Yeah. The racist whites that voted for Obama (?) and Trump in Wis/MI/Iowa/OH/Penn are much more likely to support Joe than Hillary.

The mask slipped a long time ago but WTF(?)

Wtf are you talking about?

Blue collar whites (especially men) in rust belt will vote for Biden at higher rates than Hillary. This isn’t controversial.

Update from Iowa:

Went to a Warren meeting for the first time. Cliffs:

-Met Joaquin Castro

-Warren campaign seems very energized going into the caucuses. I imagine this is true of all of the top candidates though.

-Learned some Caucus rules. 15% viability isn’t correct for all precincts. Viability varies based on number of delegates at precinct. New first time rule for this primary that if your candidate is deemed viable after the first round you are locked in to that candidate. Only supporters of non viable candidates may change their preference. In the past anyone could change, making first round more important than in prior caucuses. Also limits some games that could be played in prior caucuses apparently.

-My personal belief is that Warren’s path is being the big tent candidate at this point. Meeting I went to was close to 50/50 male/female, spread across all ages, and supporters varied from a man who self described as the most liberal man in the state of Iowa and professed very liberal/progressive beliefs to a woman who was ride or die Hillary stan.

-Something our male dominated forum may not be aware of is that there is a not insignificant number of progressive females who are deadset on electing a female President because they feel it is what this country needs, and I can’t really argue that point with them. This group obviously breaks heavily for Warren.



Forgot to add, Warren’s campaign staff still speaks of M4A as their goal on healthcare.

I think Sanders and Warren share the same goals honestly, I just think Warren has a better vision for what she will do on Day 1 if she’s elected and handed a Senate minority or small majority.

What did they say about FP?

I’m assuming FP = foreign policy? If so, it wasn’t brought up. Was more them asking people what issues were important to them and healthcare was brought up a lot and there was discussion that M4A and fixing prescription costs is incredibly important to fixing the country’s healthcare system, can’t have people fearing financial ruin over health issues, etc.

Yes, FP. I would have asked her “In 2016 the Obama administration dropped about 30000 bombs and in 2017 the Trump administration dropped about 40000 bombs. How many bombs do you plan on dropping?”

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Good thing she planned it for her first term. I’m sure you’ll adjust your opinion now with this new information.

Cite or ban

Voters don’t really gaf about “FP” I take it?

Except to the extent it costs them money, maybe?


Hillary would Cersei Lannister Bernie in a second.

That would require the Biden campaign to be employing at least one person young enough to understand what a meme is. In related news, I got this leaked audio from Biden campaign HQ as all the senior staffers were asked to say the word meme.