Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I am definitely pretty salty about the people who supported HRC in 2015 and them having any confidence in any of their takes in 2020.


What if my take is I was an idiot and am a little less of an idiot now?


I meant O’Keefe (not the drunk staffer)

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Mayo Pete is such a perfect 2020 Dem cyborg. Never fought a day in his life for anything besides himself and yet…him and his followers want us to think he is some die hard fighter on progressive issues contrary to all the evidence because of his sexual preference. GTFO with this shit. Ok you are an upper class gay man, that isn’t an all purposes credential that allows you to be a total piece of shit in every area of your life and political campaign.


Not bad.

Old and busted: Pete ButtiGJGE.

The new hotness: Pete ButtiJEB!


If Warren wasn’t in this race, Mayor Pete would be pitched as the perfect Bernie-Biden compromise.

it’s a florida chamber of commerce poll

so I’m sure you’ll all blame the media for this somehow.

I assume poll is a bit skewed right or else 16% D’s voting Trump is pretty WAAF.

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Until Sanders is the nominee, she can say whatever she wants.

I mean, I want Sanders and Warren to attack Biden viciously in a way that drive up his negatives and might cost him support if he ends up the nominee because he is not yet the nominee, nor is he inevitable.

That’s independent of me thinking Hillary Clinton is trash and that everyone on the last debate stage is preferable to her.

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Best distillation I’ve seen of why Biden is the worst possible candidate for this moment. No one’s coming out to vote for what he stands for.

No chance this is real

Lol me. Wouldn’t have imagined it, though, a lot of it is (seems) on the money.


Just like all those GOP voters hated Trump before they supported him unflinchingingly.

God she won’t even own it. The heart of a fucking coward. Sent Podesta out there to speak to the troops after losing to a game show host.


All-in all No one has debunked this article…

‘Middle Class’ Joe Biden has a corruption problem – it makes him a weak candidate

Zephyr Teachout

Everything in it seems to be the truth and it’s TheBern’s style not to personally attack other running mates, he said in the statement that Zephyr is a good person and I’ll take that, others have gone further and said that Bernie shouldn’t have appoligied which is fair enough… However TheBern needs to address Joe’s lying ways wrt the Civil rights movements imo and not hold back on it.

I didn’t read it but Zephyr Teachout is awesome and whatever she said she’s probably right.

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Biden is probably better electability-wise than HRC anyway, Her relative strengths were like CA and NY - places Dems have locked up. Biden I guess has some relative strength in PA and MI for some reason.

No black people in Iowa