Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


I mean, yeah, it probably ain’t happening no matter what or no matter who, but it definitely ain’t happening if the eventual nominee is already ruling it out before even winning the primary, without even putting up a fight.

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Imagine a world where you can stick it in hillary clintons stupid smug face AND not have to vote for a senile disgusting racist child predator rapist.

Bernie 2020 - we really can have it all


He’s driving turnout for the Democrats in midterms and he’s causing a massive wave of resignations. I’m sorry but if you think he isn’t the worst thing to happen to the long term prospects of the GOP in the last generation you’re not paying attention. He’s an opportunistic infection that is eating them from the inside out.

Yeah, imagine President Rubio or Cruz with this economy. Obamacare would be gone and republicans would still be a massive favorite to keep the WH.

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Yeah obviously I wasn’t referring to the ones supporting their candidate and lobbying for M4A, but the ones openly attacking any and everyone who wasn’t also a Bernie supporter (many of whom were bots and trolls and not even Bernie supporters, to be fair).

I think everyone should know the difference by now.

If Biden wins Iowa he’s basically unbeatable because it should be a bad state for him. Like if South Carolina was first and somehow Bernie or Warren won they would become a huge favorite and Biden would be finished.

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Sure, plenty of what he did was boilerplate GOP policy. But we wouldn’t have children separated from their parents and all of them imprisoned on concentration camps. We wouldn’t have antagonized all of our enemies and lost the respect of our allies. We wouldn’t have had a candidate disregard the law the way Trump has. We wouldn’t have a president controlled by other countries.

Yeah, things would be much better off now if Obama was able to get the public option he wanted and have every state expanded medicaid instead of screwing over their own constituents. Would have lowered the uninsured rate by 5%+ and bring down costs for everyone. But liberals stayed home in 2010 and 1014 and killed any chances of that.

The problem is they have always had a lot of planks that are more virtue signals than they are things they actually want to do. Like how long were Dems the party in favor of gay rights without them ever introducing a single meaningful piece of legislation for gay marriage? How long have Dems been the default “legalize weed” party even though they have less than zero interest in actually doing it? They’re the anti-war party purely on the basis of being super concerned while they sign off on every semi-plausible use of force. They’re the party in favor of campaign finance reform except, again, they will never ever ever try to stop the flow of money.

It’s literally all kayfabe. Like they’re the shitty people you support if you consider yourself a good person. The GOP are the shitty people you support if you get a kick out of being an asshole. That’s it.


Source on this is a fucking shithead (that vertias crap) but just this week some bernie staffer was literally on video talking about burning down milwaukee if bernie didn’t win.

(he’s clearly unstable, but he’s still a field rep for bernie in Iowa apparently and this is the crazy kind of shit that’s being referenced which isn’t uncommon online, and even here with a lot less crazy still has an clear authoritarian bent itself)

The ACA was passed with 60 blue senators and an overwhelming Dem majority in the house in Spring 2010. Elected Dems are the reason that we didn’t pass a public option. They did not want it.


Oh yeah how could Hillary know Harvey was a rapist especially when people specifically told her that but I guess she doesn’t believe women when it comes to one of her many rapist friends.


An alternative view is that if you’re the party in favor of advancing/protecting minority rights (either rights of minorities or rights that a minority of voters favor), the majority is very often going to disagree with you. So you not only have to advocate for those minority rights, you have to do so in a way that’s appealing to the majority, or at least that’s not perceived as harmful to the majority. That means either a balanced/watered-down approach or inspirational politicians who can convince the majority to support those minority rights even though they (the majority) might not personally benefit. Politicians like that are rare.

I think it’s a harder game than you’re admitting.

Well, they had 60 senators and the house and presidency within the last decade. So I’m not sure I agree with this. I also don’t see the GOP pushing their balanced, watered down solutions to things when they’re in control.

But even putting that aside - where are the even moderate improvements? Like the ACA was a moderate improvement, I’ll grant that, but it was touted as a fucking generation defining piece of legislation. It was, in reality, some modest subsidies and expansions to Medicaid that largely required red states to agree to participate in (lots of which still haven’t!), a good (but no brainer) preexisting conditions protection, and a giant check written out to private insurers. It’s the best I can come up with and it sucks. And Obama knew it sucked, which is why he campaigned on the public option that he never even tried to include.

Where are the modest improvements on drug legalization? Gay rights? Women’s rights? Anti-war? Campaign finance? Voting rights? Like, with a lot of these we are in a worse position now than we were when I was born in 1987.

They’re not even trying.


The Democrats have a somewhat valid defense in the structural challenges they face. Until recently 40 senators could block anything and the GOP has like 30 free senate seats from 5% of the population in bumble fuck deep red states. Further, Mitch is a shameless obstructionist cheater.

But that excuse fails the second Democrats oppose major structural change. That’s when they really tell on themselves.

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They had 59 votes for that --give a big thank you to Joe Lieberman

#ILikeBernie #1 trend on twitter. As soon as Bernie sends out a fundraising email about this shit i’m shipping him my largest donation to date.

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GTFO with this centrist excuse making garbage man. How many Dems were happy Joey L gave them the cover there. Gonna guess more than half.

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