Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Please note that there has been literally no media coverage of Joe Biden being a demented dingbat with limited command of the English language.

Also, he lies as much as Trump! Like literally every story he tells turns out to be a lie when someone (definitely not MSM) bothers to investigate.


I think most of the people on this board will do the right thing and vote for Biden… but out in the general population less engaged by politics I think it’s going to be ugly. The only good news is that people of color are going to turn out like it’s Obama for literally any D vs Trump out of sheer hatred.


Idk man I don’t think we can take this for granted, especially after 2016 (eg if we nominate Mayo).

I think eDems will take this for granted, though.

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If only we knew Biden had a history of lying and plagiarizing or something.

Is even fucking Corn Pop a lie?!?!!

Eh… everyone pretty much thought Trump was going to lose in 2016 and HRC was super uninspiring. A lot of people decided to not bother to vote that day. Fear is a powerful motivator and the Dem base is horrified/terrified.

Biden being the likely nominee is literal proof that we are controlled by a corporate cabal. There is nothing redeeming about him whatsoever. Both his career and as a person. Not to mention he is probably functioning on about a 75 IQ at this point. If you don’t benefit the corporate overlords you will get smeared and taken down. It’s been true for a long time.

I don’t want to get too far into conspiracy land but the fact almost all of the people in the 60s(MLK, RFK, etc) pushing for the type of reform we badly needed then and badly need now got assassinated by loners with razor thin motives is one hell of a coincidence. In recent years they don’t need to kill them they can just send the corporate media after them and that’s all it takes.


Honestly, the Dirty Ds taking off the mask and exposing themselves as pure villains is what has me most horrified/terrified right now. Feel like the right-wing attacks on these scumbags my whole life have been mostly confirmed. When an R argues they don’t want to expand healthcare because these dirty pigs would just rig the system to allow them and their friends to stuff their filthy faces w/ our money, well everything the Dirty Ds have revealed about their character suggests that is a very well founded concern.


I mostly dropped out for a while. Can someone give me cliffs on how Warren’s health care position shifted or point me to an article? Thanks!

Bernie did 40 rallies for HRC in the 2016 general, more than she did herself in 2016, combined with the number she did for Obama (12). And she had the nerve to say he didn’t do enough. Even had staffers blasting him because he was taking jets back and forth across the country to attend these rallies because it was costing them money.

And now this. Her fragile ego rivals Trump’s.

It seems she’s going through great efforts to divide the party in a time when unity is more important than ever. I think we have to start acknowledging the fact that she could be a Russian asset. (;


Basically she switched her position from a plan to enact Medicare for All to a more realistic but less inspiring plan to roll out a public option in her first term and work toward M4A in her second.

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I don’t think it’s more realistic. Literally any proposal is going to be pushed back on very hard by Republicans and others. It is very likely to cost people house and senate seats, as Obamacare did in 2010. Expecting a Phase 2 a couple years after a Phase 1 is pure fantasy.


The article isn’t near as bad as the headline (mentioning the toxic bernie bros on the social media–which they are) but unless she wants bernie to win she said something really fucking stupid again like the tulsi thing a few months ago.

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That the same Obama who has come out of hibernation to stop Bernie?


Agree. The turn off was that it was never happening in her second term, everyone knows it including her, so it just read like she was throwing in the towel altogether on M4A. Either that or she was naive on Marianne Williamson levels

seemed like one of those things where she thought she needed to have some plan so that’s what she came up with.

it’s weird, voters care about it the most, yet all of us know at best, they might get something on drug prices and that’s it.

Warren shifted on M4A entirely because her momentum was waning, Bernie was holding that lane and Mayor Pete was surging.