Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

This might actually help Bernie lol. Also if I was the Democratic nominee I’d want HRC as far the fuck away from my campaign as possible. That woman is nowhere near worth it. She’s a mediocre campaigner and she brings a bigger baggage train than the Union army in 1863.


I’d guess it’s still bad for him in the primaries but also doesn’t matter much. A Hillary disendorsement would definitely be helpful in the general.


Remember when Clinton people were getting pissy at Bernie for staying in the 2016 race even when he was mathematically eliminated and he didn’t even hint that she might be assassinated so he could win the nomination?


Bolded suggests that she is a minority that is infecting an otherwise healthy individual. Not the case imo.

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Will help Bernie get votes in primary, but shows that the Dirty Ds plan to ratfuck him because he threatens their personal power and ambitions, which is all they care about. Dirty Ds only offer slightly better policy than Rs as a mean towards that goal.

Will ratfuck him by a) combining delegates of every other candidate to nominate anyone but Bernie at the convention and b) subtly sabotaging him against Trump if he somehow does get the nomination, most likely by dampening support among women, as they’ve already telegraphed.

Dirty Establishment Ds are much more worried about being purged Jeff Flake style under a Bernie Revolution than being a strong opposition party against Trump.

The problem with eDems isn’t their policy ideas. If they could actually get what they claim to want done the country would be much better for it. The problem is that they can’t get those things done because they can’t get enough votes for it to gain enough power to do it… and that’s seeming more and more intentional. Politicians of both parties are just fine with the status quo and are more than happy to say things that their base wants to hear to get elected… the current deadlock works out great for them personally so actually winning is nothing but downside risk.

The GOP has already lost control over their party because a candidate ran on what their base actually wanted and is now in the process of burning the party down.

The Dems are next. This is what happens when you try to subvert Democracy. It works for a while, but eventually the populist bubbles start surfacing and things get really ugly until the political meta explodes.

My guess at this point is that Bernie probably wins the nomination and beats Trump. What happens after that is probably going to suck though. Anyone who thinks that this party that is currently trying to ratfuck him is going to give him any more help than the GOP gave Trump is insane. Mitch McConnell will still exist and the Senate will still have a filibuster.

WAAF probably.

They would rather have Trump than Bernie.


We might need a Mercutio badge soon.

(Yes, I liked Baz Luhrmann’s version. You got a problem with that?)

For real. Deplorables hate Hillary so much they might vote for Bernie out of spite.

Yup. Establishment Democrats don’t mind being part of a minority party so long as they maintain their position of power. They’d take that over being a majority party and not having their position.

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I liked it too.

Hillary is just such a bad politician that she can’t help make it obvious how much she’d rather have Trump than Bernie. That’s the standard Democratic Party position. It’s true for Kerry and Obama and most of them. They don’t give a shit about you.

Now do you guys see it? I got laughed at when I said that on Exiled.

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Magnificent example of an “ifpology” there by Hilldawg


Mrs. Clinton expressed regret, saying, “The Kennedys have been much on my mind the last days because of Senator Kennedy,” referring to the recent diagnosis of Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s brain tumor. She added, “And I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation and in particular the Kennedy family was in any way offensive.”


Hope you’re not including me in that set.

I don’t know why I can’t work these boards :frowning:

So who is going to be surprised when we win the WH but not the Senate and the GOP won’t allow confirmation hearings for an SCJ’s? Certainly not me.

We have to win the Senate and blow up the filibuster or we’re probably better of with Trump. At least Trump is hurting the GOP. More than I can say for the eDems.

Literally the more I think about it the more I strongly suspect that WAAF. I’m trying to unsee it… but I think the nominee we pick has to absolutely curb stomp the GOP in 2020 or it’s game over for another 4 years.


We won’t get a single judge confirmed except by recess appointment, which we won’t even do because muh normz

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They won’t go on recess if they keep the Senate. I don’t think norms would hold up the Dems from doing what they needed to do for the SC after Garland.

Get ready for the next level of Mitch shenanigans if the most likely thing (us winning WH but not Senate) happens.

Again we’re in a situation where the Democrats need to figure out what platform wins the absolute most votes and do that. Winning the right way but by not enough is roughly equivalent to reelecting Trump for everything but foreign policy… and I don’t even agree with the eDems on foreign policy lol.

Heh no, it’s clear from what I quoted that you see it; that was aimed at everyone else.

Anyway, time to log out and try to get off of tilt. I definitely understand Master’s feeling of “fuuuck you I’m not pulling the lever for you pieces of shit anymore”. Every bone in my body wants to stay home when it’s time to vote for Biden over Trump, but on that day I’ll have to let my brain prevail over emotions and just keep thinking of the immigrants.

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