Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Bernie apologizing is a bad sign. Trump never apologizes for anything.

I’m starting to think Bernie has to win Iowa or come within 1/2 points or it’s over.

That’s basically true for him Biden and Warren this cycle.

Warren has no path to win barring a shocking turn of events.

Biden does not have to win Iowa. He can come in third (maybe fourth?) and as long as he wins SC he’s in OK shape heading forward.

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538s model has him at 20% to win if he doesn’t bink Iowa and 80% to win if he does.

538 “models”, if you can call them that, for this sort of thing tend to be dogshit though (remember the “Endorsement Primary”?). There are sample size issues, there just aren’t many presidential elections and how they play out tends to be different in different eras. I don’t think Iowa is anything like that important for Biden. Sanders really needs to win, not so much because of narrative problems, but just because the whole theory of his path to the nomination is predicated on winning somewhere like Iowa. Meaning the idea of motivated volunteers, good ground game, getting first timers out to the polls, etc etc.

Edit: I guess you could argue that it’s important for Biden in that if he won, it would demonstrate the weakness of the Sanders candidacy.

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Hillary now publicly ripping Bernie. It’s as predictable as It is enraging.

The first paragraph of the WaPo article. Fuck off, Hillary.

Hillary Clinton says in a new interview that she will “do anything I can to defeat” President Trump in 2020. But in the same interview, she savages Sen. Bernie Sanders, declines to say she would endorse or campaign for him if he is the Democratic nominee, and suggests that there is an underlying sexism to his campaign.

Clearly “do anything you can” doesn’t mean what you think it means.

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So I guess Dem-E has decided this is their best angle to torpedo Bernie. Hopefully it works out as well as every other stupid strategy they try.

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Hillary just confirms what was obvious to all, that CNN’s BS was a coordinated attack by the corrupt Dirty D establishment.

I’m not voting for them anymore, I don’t care, I’m done. Bernie or Green Party for me.

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If only Democrats had this kind of mean streak with Republicans! Makes you think.gif

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I’m old enough to remember the Hillary stans angry because Bernie wasn’t campaigning hard enough for Clinton after the primary.

And JFC, remember when he unilaterally declined to attack her on her emails?


“He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him,” she said in a forthcoming four-part series, set to premiere at Sundance and air on Hulu beginning March 6. “Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”

Asked in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, published on Tuesday, if that assessment still held, she said, “Yes, it does.”


Iron Law of Institutions.

Just a shame we have a snake emoji shortage after they all got used on Warren.


I’m a Hillary stan, there’s no defending this, there’s no even approaching defending this. She is a real jerk here.


What an absolute cancer on the party Hillary is. Remember Colin Powell’s take, from one of the hacked emails?

Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.

Also the loyalty ratings?

The Clintons had an expansive concept of who should be doing their bidding, expansive enough to include every Democratic member of Congress. In another of Shattered ‘s gobsmackers, Allen and Parnes write that Hillary and Bill devised their own loyalty scale and used it to weigh, systematically, lawmakers’ fidelity to the Clintons: “After the 2008 campaign, two of her aides, Kris Balderston and Adrienne Elrod, had toiled to assign loyalty scores to members of Congress.” According to Allen and Parnes, the scale ranged from one to seven: “one for the most loyal to seven for those who had committed the most egregious acts of treachery.”

Now she’s apparently going to spend her remaining credibility in the party trying to take down someone who is a much better politician than her and in all probability would have defeated Trump in 2016. Just a wretched individual.


She’s basically showing herself to be everything the BernieBros are, at a time when we need party unity the most. Her time is up go away thank you.