Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

How have I not seen this story before? Joe Biden has repeatedly lied and said his first wife and child were killed by a drunk driver. In fact, Mrs Biden simply drove into an intersection without giving way and got cleaned up by a guy called Curtis Dunn driving a semi. An investigation found him blameless, and the family eventually went public after privately asking Biden to stop accusing him of being drunk.


Also I saw this because in an interview just now Biden said “I don’t consider drunk driving a felony”. OK man…

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Shrug. The world changes.

Should have changed a long time ago, but I’m (and I know it’s often an unpopular opinion) realistic enough that things change, sometimes a lot. I remember my brother picking me up with a couple of sixpacks at the curb in DFW and we’d kill them driving to my families house and no one would have batted an eye as long is we hadn’t been in an accident. We used to lock up people for decades for grass, which was stupid beyond belief. Biden probably never got tagged for DUI, and he’s maybe senile enough at this point to honestly not understand why it’s a bad idea. (PSA - I’m fine hanging drunk drivers from lampposts as examples, given my former career) But I can find 84+ more shitty things I hate about Biden before I get to his drunk driving charge.




please don’t link or quote the washington fucking times.

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Hi, Glenn Kessler here. Doing a little impromptu fact checking on the internet at large. Let’s dive in.

Merriam Webster defines whore as follows:

\ ˈhȯr , ˈhu̇r

plural whores

Definition of whore

(Entry 1 of 2)

1 somewhat old-fashioned : a person who engages in sexual intercourse for pay : prostitute

2 offensive : a promiscuous or immoral woman

3 : a male who engages in sexual acts for money

4 : a venal or unscrupulous person

Taking these senses individually:

  1. There is no known evidence that Joe Biden engages in sexual intercourse for pay.
  2. Joe Biden does not identify as a woman.
  3. See 1 above.
  4. This may apply to Mr. Biden but is a value-based judgement beyond the purview of fact checking.

To close, the claim is not substantiated for at least three of the four senses of “whore”, so we award it 3 pinocchios.


My jaw has been on the floor since the debate. I think it was abc that showed a chyron listing every Democratic candidate by name along with their polling numbers against Trump except Sanders (the one IN THE FUCKING LEAD!) who they had listed as “other”. They wouldn’t even show his goddamn name! I tried to find the graphic, but couldn’t

They’re not even trying to hide their bias and disdain for him any more and I think/hope this backfires spectacularly

Seems pretty clear they hate everyone running but everyone thinks their candidate has gotten it the worst.

While they’re definitely catching up atm; they’ve still done it to bernie the least so far. You guys are arguing over subtle things (outside of the lol debate crap) when they’ve already blatantly hit everyone else. except maybe klob, as they’ve already forgotten about the part where she’s trump to her staff apparently.

Lol, what


It can be a felony.

lots of NH polls coming soon. Who’s excited for bernie leading all of them?

This is not even close to true. Just imagine the coverage that would ensue if Bernie was half as meandering and sundowny in his speeches as Biden. Imagine the tone of the coverage he’d get if he was the guy with nothing on his CV but being the mayor of a city of 100,000.

The other candidates get hit for stories where they look hypocritical or flip-floppy, because the media love those stories, but what Bernie has gotten is mostly disdain. That disdain expresses itself both as negative coverage and as no coverage at all.


Utter bullshit. Somebody from ABC7 gave their “reasoning” as the poll included the top three candidates in the latest poll and they threw in Klob because of the NYT endorsement. Just pathetic.

And a massive lol @wheatrich acting like this cycle has consisted of the media being MORE fair to Bernie than the field. Your takes are getting worse by the day dude.


Say what about Klob? You want to get shanked with a thousand island comb?



Wait Biden is not only lying about a drunk driver killing his wife for nearly 50 years but he has a DUI himself. Wtf.


Seems strange to apologize for that. Guess the negative stuff with Warren plus the Biden/Ryan thing haven’t really helped him? I guess it’s a fine line when most of your supporters now think Biden is corrupt but you have to expand into people that view Biden favorably to win.

you mean like the time trump all did that and was thought to be a joke but they instead spent most of the time bashing hillary instead?

You badly suffer from confirmation bias.