Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I tend to disagree, but only because Trump is completely unhinged. If you just cut off his thumbs to keep him off twitter I think the GOP for the most part would roll his eyes and go with the flow - but the combination of idiocy and dementia has them worried, I think - except for the few true believers left, I think there scared of him (as they should be)

Bernie is threatening from a whole different viewpoint, and I agree that absent Trump, the DNC is and should be terrified of him - Trump is just such a different animal that it’s hard to get a fix on him, I think. Or maybe I’m wrong.


Something I was thinking about yesterday…how much rat fucking would it take for Bernie to run third party? My gut says he wouldn’t unless the nomination was literally stolen from him, but idk.

wonder if he’ll run third party if he wins the nomination like he did in vermont a couple times.

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If it comes to that, he will win the election anyway.

I think I agree with this. I mean, if bernie wins and gets his way, he’ll be giving the DNC legislative victories that they’ll be piggybacking on for decades. Maybe there are specific establishment dems that’ll leave the party, but the institution of the DNC will be fine. Trump could literally destroy the GOP as an entity, political parties don’t have to last forever.

I hope it doesn’t come to this because it’d all but guarantee a second Trump term, but my inner accelerationist gets giddy at the thought of Bernie destroying the Democratic party.

Bernie campaigned heavily for hilldawg there’s no way he’s going 3rd party. Bloomberg though :thinking:

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Right, but he was only like, 60% ratfucked last time. If the party literally subverts the will of the voters I think he’d be pushed hard by the people around him to at least consider it. He’d pretty much have to.

i dont think he would run 3rd party no matter what. Bernie literally cares about helping the working class more than anything else. He could win 49.99% of delegates, have all the other candidates and super delegates combine together to nominate Biden, have Warren hit him with a steel chair, have the DNC appoint someone to primary him out of Vermont, literally anything imaginable, and still not run as 3rd party, because it would benefit Trump and as a result be more damaging to the working class.


The Truth Brother… :v:

If he wins 80%+ of the delegates and gets rat fucked, everyone else will come home to ship Trump to jail.

At that point, Biden/whoever would be the third party candidate.

I lol’d @ primary him out of vermont when usually he’s the one who blocks dems there by running in their primary then rejecting it so he doesn’t have to face one in the general.

I wouldn’t have allowed that shit, either become a dem or gtfo but that’s just me I guess.

There will be some billionaire who hasn’t even been paying attention who will want to save us from Bernie/Trump and run third party.


You don’t actually think that Bernie would be scared to face a Dem in the general here, do you?

obviously he felt that way twice or he wouldn’t have done it

now, no of course

I’m noticing a huge anti-Bernie propaganda wave from the establishment in the last few days.

According to the Democratic elites, Bernie should, apparently, refrain from pointing out why he is a better candidate than his opponents? Saying that Joe Biden is a corporate whore is a factual statement! But that’s “going negative,” or something? Meanwhile, of course, they get to say whatever fucking bullshit lies they want about Bernie.

Which two elections are you referring to? Just want to know which ones so that I can properly articulate how ridiculous this is.

“Bernie, you’re allowed to run I guess. But you are not allowed to criticize any other candidates and are expected to allow other candidates to attack you with impunity. Also the media will blatantly oppose you.”


Fucking amazing, NYT endorses both Warren and Klobs. Couldn’t have boiled down their views more accurately myself.

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