Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Data doesn’t really come at city levels, it goes by voting district. I was referring to this map. Yeah, I left out the super rich area of Rolling Hills, a little speck in the hills above Glendale and a couple places right on the border of OC.

Nittery aside, point stands that in LA those little red dots are very rich areas. And if you look at OC, what you see is the rich coast voted Trump, the pretty wealthy, pretty white areas like Yorba Linda/Anaheim Hills voted Trump and the rest very much not.

There are so many more useful things out there that they could be spending this money on instead of literally lighting it on fire to maybe get to feel better about themselves. This kinda shows that they’re some of the least creative. least insightful, and just kinda dumbest people out there.

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What it is is that while white people in CA are less Trumpy than most of the country it’s not nearly to the degree that it seems like in the little bubble of San Francisco.



this poll title is hilarious to me.

Guess it’s lol bernie wins if the rural vote is a giant clusterfuck and bernie crushes in the cities.

Reminder that in 1981 NYT attacked Bernie by calling him biased towards helping poor people.

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All the guy wants to do is say hi to Bernie. He amassed billions and enter the Democratic primary for that sole purpose.


If Bernie wins, I’m guessing that we will 100% have a third party billionaire running?

Depends how it happens.

If he bumrushes the field, the DNC will have to countenance him like GOP poohbahs had to countenance Trump.

They’ll try to hold him back of course but in more subtle ways.

But even if he destroys the field, I imagine at least one billionaire will be burning money as a third party candidate in swing states.

everyone seems to be committed against that except maybe the starbucks douchebag or the dicks douchebag. (who is bizarrely anti gun given his customer base)

Friends again??

tulsi’s to the left of joe, we’re all friends again, until the primary votes come in

Wheres BuiitGJGE, at the counter rally?

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Looks like a damn double agent lurking in the back like that.

Yeah, you probably right.

Trump was much less threatening to GOP than Bernie is to DNC.