Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Rob Lowe is looking at the NYT right now saying, “Oh come on, pick one.”


She’s been the most aggressive in calling for breaking up tech giants like Facebook and Amazon. And there’s her record of advocating for the CFPB. The core of her political being comes from the experience of the 2005 bankruptcy bill. Whatever her beliefs were before, she was activated politically by that fight, almost like an alcoholic who went dry and turned into Carrie Nation. The further you go away from those issues, the more I think her political positions are not strongly held and might be things of political expedience that she is will to compromise on to get something done on her core issues of reforming the economic and political system.

My sense is that a Sanders administration would lean heavily on Warren for how to deal with banks and the economy. I think they both are pointed in the same general direction, but she has the know-how to actually get things done.

Like any real Midwesterner, Klob can only ever experience any kind of joy when the weather is horrible:


It really couldn’t be a more clear indication that they just want some kind of proper figurehead and don’t care about policy at all or believe that the president doesn’t have that much impact on it.

A lot of people in the media have Predictit accounts, that’s one takeaway lesson here. People calling up their relatives, telling them to load up on penny Klob stocks, probably some multi-accounting. These op-ed dudes making three or four times your salary are definitely running a side hustle off of predictit. Plus the guys on the production line who get an advanced peek. If you believe in the omniscience of free markets, this is def a feather in your cap.



Honestly that number makes me so sad.

Ok that’s hilarious but there’s nothing he can really do to gain that support by any significant degree. Black folks are mainly either gonna support the most left candidate (because duh) or the most familiar candidate (the devil you know) and that explains Biden and Bernie’s polling with everyone else at low single digits. Which, both gives Pete a pass and is a damning litmus test for his candidacy. If you can’t offer people neither something bold and revolutionary nor familiar and safe, wtf are you even doing?

First Biden came for the raw water drinking creeps…

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Oh yeah 10% Bernie from a breitbart poll is really gonna trigger us bro

Also even if it wasn’t breitbart, lol at listening to a poll that looks like 75% of the respondents were 65 or older

It’s not so much that they’re morons, it’s that they are part of the problem that Sanders and AOC types are trying to fix (i.e. take power out of their hands). It makes perfect sense for them to try to bump up candidates that are not populist.

Booker, who is literally no longer in the race, getting third might be better than Klob/Warren


they managed to come up with a far more NYT thing to do, brilliant

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Hilarious that Warren won but they made her co-champion. I thought it was a tie lol

Maybe he thinks it’s still 2008 and general motors is getting killed in the recession while silicon valley is nowhere near as big as it is today?

Unimpressive showing, and also the claim is still not false.

Trump is really going hard with the projection lately. He was speaking to farmers and went on a rant about spoiled brat kids, apparently.

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Right as usual