Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Lieberman caucused with the Dems at the time. Clearly he sucks, but that’s kind of the point.

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First you post a breitbart news poll to try and trigger the Bernie fans and now posting project Veritas shit about one random staffer who was drunk as hell talking out of his ass. Do you think that what that drunk guy project veritas showed is something that the Bernie campaign endorses or are you just trying to say all Bernie supporters are like that?

But your anti Bernie posting is hilarious so keep going buddy maybe next you can post an article from the federalist on how Bernie is an anti-Semite?


now you’re insisting I said things I did not say, has nothing to do with Bernie–it’s his supporters on social media as a bunch of them are trump supporter social media level of toxic.

That’s what they want you the believe, but they have ripped the mask off by heaping scorn and disdain at Bernie even though he has consistently been on the right side of progressive issues at an insanely high clip over his career and been an extremely strong advocate for them. Yet they are super mad at him simply because he was not one of them (“Them” being a corrupt Dirty D establishment member).

I mean you look at his history, and he advocated for the correct position almost every time and then still signed off on whatever watered down BS the Dirty Ds compromised down to. The level of vitriol they show him is insane, and inconsistent with them been good people just doing the best they can. Bernie campaigning harder than Crooked Hillary did for her own damn campaign is just the quintessential example of such.


If you don’t see the ACA as a generational piece of legislation, then we’ll never see eye to eye.

As for your other points:

I’m not sure how you can say that they’re not trying.



Maybe that’s because they are Trumps Bots.

All in all as a casual observer of Bernie twitter threads and threads I’d say that there’s a large demographic of Trolls in the US on Social Media who do not give a shit about anyone/anything except their new found homeland of FB and twitter trolling the life out of any and all.

And its a fucking massive problem

Ahh a literal neo-liberal shitpile. Who doesn’t enjoy that as the pinnacle of success.

ETA-The gay rights and women’s rights stuff is good but has amounted to at best a half measure. Obamacare is the neo-liberal shitpile I am mostly referring to.

The ACA was the brainchild of the Heritage Foundation and was prototyped by Mitt Romney.

If that’s what qualifies as a “generational piece of legislation” with a 60 vote Democratic senate, then holy shit are we fucked.




More like losing-Dem-turned-independent Droopy Lieberman didn’t want it

The ACA in a nutshell is insurance companies cutting a deal with the Dirty Ds to cover pre-existing conditions in exchange for Ds forcing everyone to buy their insurance no matter how insanely overpriced, bloated and shitty. Historic indeed.


Agree we’re fucked but disagree with the framing here. ACA is by no means perfect and I could even argue that it’s not “good,” but it’s leagues better than what we had before it, based on pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps alone if nothing else.


I’ve literally been texting/talking with Florida politicos/friends about this. Some groups are looking into it already, I think. John Morgan, even.


Tell Lieberman and any other dipshit holdouts to get on board or else they are going to nuke the filibuster, tell everyone they had no choice because he was a massively corrupt scumbag and that then they were going to go all out to get his primaried.

You know, go half as HAM as you do for something you really care about, like Bernie not joining the Dirty D team.

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+1. Mandatory private insurance is awful.


I would take it a step further: We pay off your fines and court costs under the condition that you agree to register and vote as a Dem. take it or leave it. Then bask in conservative head explosions.

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Oh I completely agree. The world was a much different place then

Yeah we’re just on completely separate pages here. The ACA was a pretty bad healthcare solution. The easing of federal marijuana prosecutions in legal states is like the smallest possible concession on that issue. Federal hate crimes are rare. There have been like 50 cases prosecuted under the law you’re referencing. Likewise, the Ledbetter act made marginal improvements to the problem of equal pay in that it removed one hurdle to those lawsuits, but it was not meant to result in any kind of systematic change.

Like - this stuff matters. I don’t want to pretend like we should federally prosecute hate crimes, or like we should have stupid rules surrounding statutes of limitations for wage discrimination claims. But it is insulting that these are the things that Dems hold up as examples of fighting for communities who vote for them. For all but a tiny fraction of gay people, the hate crime legislation did absolutely nothing. Likewise for gay spouses of non-federal employees. For most women the Ledbetter act did absolutely nothing. For the overwhelming majority of people being prosecuted for marijuana related crimes, the federal prosecution policy did absolutely nothing.

It is absolutely better, no question. But it’s absolutely pathetic.

Democratic president with 60 senators: Romneycare
Republican president with 52 senators: Giant tax cuts and two horror shows in the Supreme Court


I think that is illegal.

Regardless, don’t need to do everyone, just target liberal demographics/areas.