Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?



So I read the politifact column on this, which claims that Bernie’s characterization of Biden in the 2018 video is “false”.

Then I watched the video, which is included in the column, and I just have no idea what they’re talking about. Like, it is not at all clear to me that Biden is trying to be sarcastic or whatever BS they’re using to defend them. In fact he closes with “we need to raise enough revenue to make sure that the Social Security and Medicare can stay, it still needs adjustments, but can stay” which seems to be… exactly what Paul Ryan’s plan is?

That’s ignoring the fact that Biden literally has like 40 years of history advocating cuts to SS and Medicare:


The Third Way Dems were trying to privatize social security. Bill Clinton was working on that with Newt Gingrich when the Monica Lewinsky scandal put the kibosh on that.

And …

An August 1997 survey by Clinton pollster Mark Penn found that 73 percent of Democratic voters favored some form of privatization

Endorses TheBern :v:



Think about how much effort you put in and how confused you are now. And your profession is based on being able to read and think critically. Seems like the trick is working iyam.

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To the list of things that need to be changed, but are not going to be changed - along with the Senate and the Electoral College - we need to add the SCOTUS. Presidents should not appoint people to it. I want that thing where you gotta vote for the less awful among two people because of the SCOTUS to go away.


I still vehemently disagree with the decision to just let Biden skate on his families corruption just because Trump did something impeachable to attack that weak point. I don’t care that Trump is exponentially more corrupt, Biden is nowhere near clean.

I think the reason Trump was looking for dirt on Biden’s family is because there’s plenty about Biden that doesn’t survive the smell test, and painting him (accurately) as a Washington insider who has flourished in an era of rampant legal corruption will be extremely damaging to turnout for our side in the general. He obviously did some downright stupid shit trying to make it even more smelly and got himself impeached, but that doesn’t in any way mean that Biden should get a pass in the primary for it.

I genuinely actively dislike all three moderates still in this race and consider their willingness to accept big corporate money to be deeply disqualifying. Biden is obviously the one who has been pulling shenanigans like this for the longest time. He was known as the Senator from MBNA ffs. MBNA was a large bank that got bought by B of A for more than 35 billion dollars in 2006.

This absolutely shouldn’t be off limits. It isn’t part of the impeachment process and it should have already been weaponized against Biden by someone by now.


Can’t imagine anyone cares about Hunter Biden when Joe was leading the charge for mass incarceration and the invasion of Iraq and made Mayor Pete look like Bernie Sanders on Social Welfare. Dude should be roasted over Iraq mercilessly before it’s Trump doing the roasting.


And there not even factoring in the waste of the serfs when they panic and phone for an ambulance at Popeyes when the’ve ran out of chicken…

I would assume that by taking out the huge profit margins that have risen since the 80’s and putting those back into the healthcare industry that it will still be a saving, if not just cut the doctors wages… If he leaves hire another 1.

If the doctors don’t accept the lower wages and longer working hours hire people that will because EVERY doctor/surgeon tell me their not in it for the money so I don’t see any problems arising here, as long as they have a working wage. :rofl:

The thing is ggoreo poor folks who are not insured in the US will still go without the proper medical treatment because of a number of factors that include not being able to take a day off work or not being able to get a child minder etc… Or just the fact poor folks don’t like to bother anyone with their ills.

Middle class folks do goto the hospitals in the UK for the most Trivial of shit though so they make the short fall up in my experience.

All in all I think it’s very hard to estimate, because of human natures. :innocent:

Corruption is something that virtually every voter agrees on. Mass incarceration is way more controversial in the general. I’m mind blown that the black community is still backing Biden. Steyer needs to run a bunch of attack ads in SC IMO highlighting why Barrack Obama thought Biden was the right old white guy to give blue collar whites with problematic views on race the idea that he was safe to vote for… because seriously Biden’s role on that ticket was to bless a black dude for middle/lower class whites. Not a particularly great reason for black people to overwhelmingly support him imo.

Let’s be super clear though… if the black community is backing Biden despite the mass incarceration thing that’s the wrong attack. Separating him from his black support is the whole reason you take that line.

You can separate him from the entire lower class by talking about how he essentially represented Bank of America when he was a Senator.

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yeah this is just lol bad for biden. his slappies are now trying to say “well they cut off the context” but the rest of the clip is not any better. Yes he says they need to tax the rich more to pay for it but he STILL reiterates AGAIN that “adjustments” need to be made to SS and medicare, and it’s clear that he’s not talking about benefit increases.

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Well, I now believe Joe Biden when he says that as president he’ll be able to cut a deal with Mitch McConnell.

Joe: “I want the top tax bracket to go to 40% and you want it at 0%. Let’s split the difference and do 20%.”
Mitch: “Nope, 15%.”
Joe: “No malarkey, pal, you drive a hard bargain. Deal!”
Mitch: “Should we do healthcare next, Mr. President?”
Joe: “Sure, I want to expand Medicare and Medicaid and you want to completely cut them. I’ll split the difference with you and cut them in half.”
Mitch: “Golly gee, could you cut them by 60%?”
Joe: “Sure, why not, as long as you give a tax break for the hard working non 1% upper class.”
Mitch: “Well, you know, it’ll be tough but I think I can rustle up a few votes for that.”


Biden is trying harder than ever to run out the clock. Sanders campaign needs to push HARD on this

Bernie team just met their call goal of 5 million calls, two weeks early. For reference, Warren’s goal is 1 million calls.


Is this the first time Bernie has challenged Joe on Social Security?

Joe’s attack that Bernie is faking things is definitely a play on the Warren thing and hoping people start thinking Bernie is lying about everything.


Never thought I’d say this, but Trump is right about something.

The Dems will find a way to steal this from Bernie even if he has the most delegates at the end. If that does happen and he has any spine, he’ll run third party to fuck the Dems over.

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