Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Public option is garbage because it will be sabotaged. Any plan has to account for how the GOP is sure to react. Only single payer works.


The idea that there will be any kind of compromise on health care is, infuriatingly, still alive among Democrats. Like they still think “golly gee, these guys are pretty scummy but we’re talking about life and death, surely they won’t just choose death in exchange for money!”

Democrats HAVE to get comfortable with a singular focus on getting and using power. They’re still not there. Every single meaningful improvement on policy will have to happen over the GOPs dead body. So we have to kill them. End of story.


This is true for literally anything, not just health care.

It’s why means-tested things will not work. They have to be universal. Orders of magnitude fewer opportunities for fuckery that way.


There’s gonna be Town Halls before Iowa now…
… hosted by CNN

One last chance for them to nuke Sanders right before Iowa in what will probably be the biggest hit job of all time

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the audience will be comprised of invited Iowa Democrats

Probably party insiders, centrists, and “independents”.


This is not all directed at Cuse, but Americans in general don’t do sarcasim especially in this time period… :rofl:

Bernie should boycott CNN events.


Some good (new?) context in here about the Warren/Sanders angle.

NOT LONG AFTER meeting with Sanders at the end of 2018 to discuss her impending presidential run, Warren hosted an off-the-record dinner with a number of journalists, according to sources with knowledge of it. At the dinner, Warren was asked about her meeting with Sanders, and in the course of the discussion, she relayed that Sanders had warned that he didn’t believe a woman could beat Trump in 2020. Different reporters recalled the comments differently, a mirror image of the dispute between Warren and Sanders over exactly what Sanders said — with Warren saying that Sanders argued a woman couldn’t beat Trump, while Sanders said that he only said Trump would weaponize misogyny against a woman, not that it would work.

since Warren told the story more broadly to a group of journalists, CNN’s sources could have come from outside the campaign. The revelation does not rule out the possibility that someone in her campaign was a source, but it opens up other possibilities, as well.

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My impression is that it was known gossip that was circulating around, but that no one was willing to be a source for a story until the talking points story.

Just going to leave this here…

Considering I’ve posted Mayor Pete, Warren and Bernie info I find the broadbrush strokes here by some to be irritating.

Just stop… Ffs

well Biden’s done a good job, I don’t know at this point what part of him is saying that–a fucking fool or pandering to the old timey audience who eats up that shit despite every single person on this forum realizing that’s complete nonsense.

Given that this meeting with reporters occurred, it seems wilder your way. We know now that Warren spoke about Bernie’s comments to a large number of people a year ago, specifically reporters, so this would’ve been known gossip well outside of the campaign. I find it hard to believe she intended it to be a hit job back then or even that big of a deal because campaigns hadn’t even started, and again it’s just a really weird line of attack - there’s no reason to believe it would be an effective line against Bernie.

So the theory now is that she wanted to hit Bernie with something before the debate, and she chose this piece of information that the media already knew about, that was so insignificant back then that she felt fine sharing it with a room full of reporters, off the record of not, and again doesn’t make much sense as an attack. Or the other theory, CNN/some other campaign wanted to drive a wedge between the progressive candidates and get them fighting, so they decorated up an off hand comment from a year ago as BREAKING NEWS and suggested it came from the Warren campaign. Meanwhile the actual attribution was this:

I mean reading that now with context the sources could literally be reporters from that meeting. In fact if they were from the campaign it’s actually a bit odd of CNN to leave out that detail, don’t you think?

I have a theory: Bernie is the Loch Ness Monster. He tries to cover it up by asking for 80 cents less, but boy does he badly want that $2.70 and so very often.


I came away from the story with the guess that the two people she spoke to soon after the meeting we’re people she was consulting about running (I wonder if she met with Obama in that timeframe) and the two people with knowledge were campaign staffers, maybe even Warren herself.

A bold strategy by Biden. If him calling this doctored, when it isn’t, goes viral, it could be super awful for his campaign, since he is leading the vote with people currently taking Social Security

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I want to laugh but he’s the R that can actually lose a senate race in Kansas, since he actually did lose the governor race in Kansas so no, go ahead endorse him again instead.

Next thing you know Biden won’t have supported the war in Iraq or mass incarceration. 2+2=5 for Joe too I guess.


Sleepy Joe has the enviable position that his best political play is always to take a nap


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