Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


People still stanning for Lipservice Liz never gets old.


I’m sad wirelessgrinder’s bro abandoned ship before he could share his hot takes on Biden

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Im several hundred posts behind, cliffs of the exit?

Wait & see what happens with Corona then he will be back…

No need to know his thoughts on Biden, it could be jesus himself and Trump will landslide just like he did last time if you asked him

I would still like his thoughts. Unless those are his thoughts. I have stable self esteem these days, but laughing at someone attempt to describe and defend ridiculous positions is like putting a little whipped cream on top.

got damn


Not sure what you’re chefs kissing or why you’re dragging me into another thread to read your increasingly stupid takes

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lying liz said she wouldn’t take pac money and then hit up one rich donor for 15 million right before super tuesday. this person gave money to joe arpaio

let me be very clear, if you support her you are part of the problem


elizabeth warren is a politician that is not for the people and she has caused a bunch of damage to the country in the last 6 months, defending her corporate-bound flip-flopping self-interested nothing tweets is the mark of a serious mark

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To be accurate, it’s not even the people who make $700 per hour. It’s the people who have as much wealth as you’d have if you made $700 an hour every hour since we turned from BC to AD.


7 million/hr would be more accurate

That all lets the people who make $70/hr off the hook.


I thought Ohio should’ve held the primary but holy cow at Wisconsin apparently seriously just going **** it with theirs (april 7th, still looks like a go at this time, wut)

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Dems are gonna cancel the convention. I think we’ve seen the last of Joe.

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Man I totally forget that the national minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, insane.

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Who’s “Joe”?


What’s wrong with people who make $70/hr?