SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Officially 341 in last 24 hours, and they’ve added 40 to the total (who died in nursing homes before 20th).

It’s bad when tests go up 4000 and positives go up 3000.

We are still nowhere close to having adequate testing, which is going to be absolutely necessary unless some miracle treatment falls out of the sky.

I’m gonna need daily situation reports from The Villages.


Trump made sure to throw out the 2.2 million number if they did nothing about the virus. So if 200k+ die, he can still say that ten times that many would have died had they done nothing. He’s already been crowing about how his travel ban from China saved “tens of thousands” of lives.

Especially bad when you consider those 9,298 were actually tested up to 4 days ago (time it takes results to return)

So maybe 9,298 new cases from the 17,412 tests carried out 3/28/2020 might be more accurate.

Meaning there are at least 30,000 positives ‘in the system’ likely to return from the tests done since 3/29/2020


What do you want her to do besides bring attention to it? She’s a single Senator in the minority party.


I don’t think we really know when the tests are taken. The daily numbers could be the number of results received in a given day or they could be the number of tests administered.

I’m wondering if the virus hasn’t come (and now nearly gone) from my household.

Two Fridays ago out of nowhere I was hit with a sudden wave of mild body aches and feverish feeling (no thermometer in the house). Woke up a couple nights drenched in sweat. Slept a lot over the weekend, and after 2-3 days the feverish feeling and aches went away, but all last week I was more tired than normal. Finally feeling close to 100% this week.

Mrs. JordanIB started feeling ill 5-6 days after I did. Mostly fatigue and maybe a little feverish. A couple days ago she said her lungs felt “fuzzy” and it was more difficult to breathe, but that has subsided the last couple of days and she’s feeling better, but not 100% yet.

Wish there was a “you had corona” test readily available.


Check out that positive rate spike though.

How can you know this thread exists but not own a thermometer? Glad you’re feeling better.

Haha, fair point. Haven’t owned one in a while. Once or twice a year I’ll get a cold for 24-48 hours. After some medicine and a lot of sleep, it’s better.

The wife did order one 2-3 weeks ago off Amazon, but it was too late – the expected arrival date is like May. LOL.

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Apparently take hostages or something.

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Happened to turn on the Cuomo presser shortly after reading this and he was talking about his brother and mom for a few minutes. What a breath of fresh air to hear an elected official speak humanely and empathetically, and more importantly, in a way that translated his (and his brother’s) personal situation into tips for the general public.


Latest tracking stats

Note: US deaths on chart at 2k, now 3k which unfortunately puts US just above Italy 30 days into the war

Cuomo blowbang is really triggering me. He’s a turd and doesn’t deserve praise for displaying human emotion and the ability to string together a coherent sentence.

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I’ve heard some people suggest that being a single Senator from the NorthEast not part of a majority party failing to enact broad legislation was disqualifying.


It seems like NYC is going to need a Wuhan style response or just accept that this is sweeping through in one wave and they will have a massive CFR due to the system completely breaking down. Of course, if they try to lock down Wuhan style millions will flee the city and increase the transmission rate all over the Northeast (at the least).

I hate reading shit about how getting people to wear masks is culturally impossible. Fuck that.

Wear your masks dammit! Shit like this flattens the curve

I mean we’re not gonna return to normalcy any time soon but strict adherence to mask wearing and social distancing combined with socially shaming people who don’t is the way to go.

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I’m no doctor, but the aches and fairly short duration are a bit more indicative of influenza than the rona. Glad you’re feeling better, but I would still be cautious, as it may not be over and done for you.

It’s that perfect time of the year where I don’t know if my stuffiness and breathing issues are allergies or COVID. Assuming it’s typical allergies now that everything is blooming.