Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

That’s like $150K a year. Those people are not the enemy. At all.

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They are not people who make $7.25 an hour. Whether you think they are more like the people who make $700/hour or the people who make $25/hour, they are part of the problem. Or are you saying that they are none of the above?

Am I part of the problem? I haven’t made 140K a year yet, I was on track this year before the pandemic, though. Am I a problem?

That’s an income range which went for Trump, however slightly, and wasn’t turned off by him, so it voted Republican in the mid-terms. Maybe not you specifically, but also #NotAllBillionaires.

I’m perfectly fine with the idea of populist, class warfare rhetoric to make people who make under $40K angry and resentful towards people who make $150K.

It is understandably very hard for people making 40k to differentiate between the W-2 lawyer making $200k - $400k and the private business owner making tens of millions of dollars. But those two people are in completely different universes when it comes to the tax code (and less importantly, lifestyle).

Where you and eyebooger are wrong is partly that people who make $700/hr aren’t “THE ENEMY” and partly in that a lot of people who make $70/hr are just as keen to convince people who make $25/hr that people who make $7.25/hr are the enemy as are people who make $700/hr. I know that sentence runs on, but I trust you guys can figure it out. And there are a shitload more people who make $70/hr than $700/hr.

Also, people who make $70/hr as a class are pretty shitty. Bunch of assholes living in 2500sf houses blaring their heat and AC driving around in SUVs thinking that $150k/yr is middle class.



They’re not rich they can only afford one vacation a year after paying for those things


Opps… :v:

Most all my complaints come from these folks… Was what I posted. :joy:

I mean… Some of our streets have a gradient of 40/60 with 4/5 storie tenements and the bottom HOUSES are beautiful, my aunt has 1 :joy: small brag, with the streets lined with cars for 300/600 yards & so tight you sometimes need to bring in the wing mirrors.

1 Day this SUV came out a space as I was almost at the top like 4/5ths up… I can’t reverse, argument ensued and she gets lifted… With me facing a day off for the civil court that just had to be sure the police were correct.

Stubborn ■■■■■

Yeah yeah, it was her who called the police.

You can’t actually reverse down a hill, you can only free-wheel and use the brakes to stop you. Uphill has right of way. Because in that direction you have more control. › topic
Highway Code experts, please. | Singletrack Magazine Forum

:flushed: Don’t @me

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Dude, 150k is middle class. W/r/t policy, their economic self interest is substantially aligned with the poor. The important class divide is between those who work and those whose money works.
It’s not even the guy who makes $700/HR that’s the problem, it’s the guy who can pay it to him.
Its like the way we’re not hardwired to understand exponential growth and how bad the covid was about to be - - It’s hard to understand just how different having actual wealth is.


Fuck yes I’m ready for It Might Seem Like A Lot Of Money But It’s A Lot Less After I Spend It: 2020 Unstuck Pandemic Edition.


I’m broke now, but I’ve had money and I’ve made more than $150k in a year before and I thought I was pretty damn well off at the time - definitely not middle class. ($61k is median household income)

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Time to alienate everybody.

Lotta middle class and poor people suck too.

Team Misanthrope 2020?

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I’m not on anyone’s team.


You alright man?

I feel like I just alienated Microbet.