Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

And why did so few of those voters migrate to Bernie despite his supporters being so certain for months that they would? Why did Bernie fail to convince Warren to drop out and endorse him the way Biden convinced the others?

More like there was almost an entire month where Bernie’s campaign had the opportunity to seize control, and when he failed to do so, Biden’s half-deceased corpse filled the gap.

He couldn’t seize control because most Americans want a really bad President regardless of whether they’re Republicans or Democrats. Bernie had a huge handicap in not being a slimy jackass.


It’s sort of exactly this, if 70% of democrats want a terrible candidate who can’t win, then they’ll get a terrible candidate that can’t win.

The issue is the ratio of americans who are over 65 to americans who are under 65 is already high and is going to continue to increase for at least 20 years. It’s going to cause a lot of problems that the market simply can’t fix.

One of us is clearly misremembering, because my recollection is that after New Hampshire, when the media tried to claim the results showed that 65% of “moderates” voted against Bernie and the left, the Berniesphere was rightly outraged against the concept.

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I think that the only reasonable answer is that people were mean on twitter

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Bernie was a terrible candidate. Not like the sharp, energetic Uncle Joe Hiden.

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Bernie was such a bad candidate he couldn’t beat Hillary or Joe. Ha ha ha ha. But I really think everyone should get decent health care, I swear!


Taking on the media, oligarchs, and Americans stupidity is a fucking monumental task. I really wonder what their play will be when demographics do start to shift.


You can think both Bernie could have done way better but also he wasn’t a shitty candidate.

Like Bernie had some leaks, he misplayed many hands, but he was still far and away the best player at the table. He was just facing props who were banked by the house and the entire table colluding against him.

But yes it is going to take someone like AOC to overcome all that shit and it still might not be enough. We need someone who is willing to go hard as fuck against the establishment and we also need demographics to shift. I don’t think even a perfect progressive candidate could have pulled it off this cycle judging by the results.

Give people credit. They can tell when the “critiques” are done in bad faith or not.


The only correct critique of Bernie is he was too much of a lib.


Sure. Doesn’t mean it has to be received without a pointy middle finger though.

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I do think it’s fitting that as soon as we stopped relitigating 2016 the consequences of that election really and truly came home to roost. If the same people who are now bigly Biden hadn’t gotten Hillary nominated, none of this would be nearly as bad.

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Well, editing this post. Not that microdaughter really reading Unstuck, but that’s why.

Should I move to a big city to make sure I’m taken down too?

It won’t stop until a “crazy” person takes “drastic” action.

How many Biden and/or trump supporters are among your friends and family and associates?

so help me fucking God the reply better be just a number or educated estimate