Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

couldn’t stay away with rookie of the year @Guillotine coming with the fire

pete supporters that keep their “outrage” close to the vest are exactly who i’m talking about in the “complicit” category

how about warren supporters that yas queened her “takedown” of bloomberg, completely silent when they find out that she is fine with bloomberg folding up into biden

and then the neolib shill trolls that dog on bernie for not being able to get it done, when all of the little establishment bitches dropped out on a dime to accept establishment cash bags in a coordinated effort to sink him

if you’re not mad and with bernie at this point, you’re as useless to the working class as the politicians fighting for corporate bailouts. go bury your head in your middle class suburban lifestyle and hope that there is a hospital bed for you if variance ever slaps you in the ass


Well the philosophy talk was fun while it lasted.

I do want to apologize for ever calling him GOPete. The GOP didn’t rig their primary against an insurgent outsider candidate!


I mean they tried. But Republicans are more astute than Democrats. By far.

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that has somehow ended up with a binary choice of 2 candidates for the presidency of the United States of America who have both been credibly accused of [checks notes again] rape.


Dawg, I love Bernie and want him to win, but this analysis is horseshit. He had 3 weeks as the clear front-runner during the apex of primary season, which was the time to capitalize on his momentum and unify the party. Instead his supporters, backed by people directly running the campaign like Briahna Gray and David Sirota, demanded everyone else “bend the knee,” called other progressive candidates in the race rats and snakes, and tried to burn every bridge they had in order to further the “revolution”
which is impossible anyway with a divided congress. The supposed pro-labor side of the party started sending death threats to a Culinary Union! Forget centrist liberals, how deranged must you be to relentlessly and viciously attack your closest ideological ally in the Senate (Warren) or the head of a publication who announces his support for your candidate and puts out article after article arguing on his behalf (Yglesias)? Aren’t there slightly better, more important battles to pick? The geniuses at Chapo thought establishing a stake in their “bernie or bust” position was a foolproof logical method for convincing others of Bernie’s electability. So they spend their time hammering that idiotic argument over and over, instead of like actually trying to sell a vision to anyone.

There was a clear moment to bring people together and display leadership for the country. “Hope and change,” but for real. Instead everyone was pushed everyone away, so of course they only ones left were on an island. Then when a week later Biden does what Bernie’s team refused or was unable to do, consolidate their coalition, you cry collusion. Gtfo.


The fact that biden is going to get the nomination does give us bernie supporters a pretty high horse to sit on and laugh at all of the rest of you. Just a complete joke.


Yep, almost impossible to pick a stupider and more senile candidate than Donald fucking Trump, but the Dirty D super team was up to the task.


Corrupt corporate media in cahoots w/ Dirty D super team: Hey did you guys hear about Bernie’s heart attack, what is Bernie covering up about his heart attack, Bernie is worse than Trump for lying about his heart attack… harrharrharr

Biden pulls off SC win: if you don’t vote for this rotting corpse then you are a Commie Traitor


It is simultaneously true that a) Bernie screwed up not trying to consolidate support and b) those efforts would likely have failed.


Warren was the only D candidate not diametrically opposed to Bernie’s principles, and she was going to PERSIST regardless.

This is moronic. Firstly if ‘mean people on twitter’ is the shaping force of your political beliefs then what use are you? How can anyone rely on you to push for anything with conviction if bernie bros yelling causes you to change your policy positions one iota. Secondly, no one said a word to union members. I’m sure some voiced their displease at the management for selling out their members but the general opinion that I saw was that it was a shame but pragmatic for unions to be in survival mode. No progressive candidate got called a rat and warren pulled the ultimate snake move to vindicate every emoji thrown her way. How do you unify a party whose entire leadership from top to bottom is materially opposed to everything about you?


Clown post bro


The real world is not on twitter, but organizers, activists, and community leaders are. Their decisions and actions have a huge impact on votes. After all, there must have been SOME mechanism by which Biden went from 20% support to 55% in many states in a matter of days. I’d argue that social media strategy, especially when it comes to forging alliances and expanding a coaltion, is a bigger factor than you’re willing to admit.

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I definitely think its way easier to run online and scream about corruption than it is to look in the mirror and consider what could have been done differently. And I say that as someone who largely responded to Biden’s rise by running online to scream about corruption.


“Mean people” may or may not be where MY beliefs come from, but it shouldn’t exactly surprise you that 95% of people will be more swayed by emotion than logical facts. Antagonization is not the path to victory.


Haha ok you got me, let me rephrase: Antagonization is not the path to victory for the left.

However, even Trump knows not to attack people that praise him.


Yeah community organizers, activists and social media expertise catapulted Biden. Dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long time.


I mean you’d like us to be nicer to you, I get that. Would it have gotten you to support bernie? Only you know the answer to that, but I suspect that it wouldn’t have.