Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

so uhhhh we agree?

Dude Bernie should have anticipated a direct cover up involving his opponent and simply purchased a controlling stake in the major media companies before he ran.


That she isn’t an establishment politician?

Great thread by 2p2 legend Adanthar wrt Biden sexual assault allegations


Cliffs: This woman might be a Russian agent, based on some articles that adanthar thinks were written for her.

Heh, that’s pretty messed up.

I don’t know why but I didn’t see actual Russian agent as the accuser coming.


Can we maybe not use rape as an analogy for anything ever?

No need to actually lean into the bro stereotype.


Yes we prefer our rape to be literal and committed by our presidential nominees


Like that’s just actually so perfect. Someone using rape as a metaphor for the depredations of rapacious capitalism is beyond the pale. Actually raping someone? Well that’s my guy.

Don’t get me wrong, if there was a pill that let me ignore the smell of non consent on Uncle Joe’s fingers I’d take it in a heartbeat

Neither could Liz Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Mike Bloomberg, and 20 other people I’ve forgotten! Wow! Joe Biden must be a generationally dominant politician!

Either that, or there are giant interests behind the scenes that shove giant piles of money to get certain influencers time on TV and/or get Warren/Pete et al. to drop out at the superduper coincidentally perfect time to hurt Bernie. It’s one of these two!

Personally, I think Joe is JUST THAT SPECIAL and I love it when he caresses my back and calls me sweetheart. I’m so happy he is able to “generate enough support”, by doing … um … you know, the stuff he’s been doing in this race. Like when he displays overt neurological issues in public! That’s so funny and inspires great confidence!

But seriously, MimosaDef results-oriented. You’re on level 1.

(Not to mention the giant uphill battle that one inevitably faces if one participates in a nation-wide system in order to [partially] dismantle that very system. And no, Liz Warren does not qualify)


You are a bizarre person. The candidate to whom you gave your blood sweat and tears spat in your face by dropping out (while in 2nd place) one goddamn day before the biggest contest of the primary. It was extremely clear that somebody (I reckon Obama but I dunno) shipped him a huge bag filled with money, either literally or in cabinet/etc. promises, to do the bidding of the DNC and various corporate masters. You responded by showing zero anger towards this man. Everybody I know would have been stone furious. You, improbably, still have him in your avatar. Pete is a disgusting rat and he is not your friend.

It seems to me that you actually enjoy being treated like a gross little piggy. I genuinely struggle to fathom another reason and I’ve thought about it quite a bit. I think it might be entirely subconscious.


Rape is stuff gonna stay low key until after the convention and then it’s gonna get non-stop coverage.


It doesn’t seem totally right for a lurker to critique users who have detailed their entire ideology without giving anything attackable back, so I will admit to you that I am more-or-less a Marxist who wants to dismantle capitalism ASAP but is also somehow wearing Nikes as I type. Just to be fair.

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Do me a favor then and edit the above post wrt the piggy comment, thanks. :point_up_2::+1:

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no, don’t bother. I’ll just once again exit this thread. I have other things to worry about.

This is kinda one of the more interesting things to discuss, even though I can’t imagine people taking the other side. Is it wrong to compare the consequences of policy (which include things like starvation, theft, murder, and rape) to rape? Or are all the consequences of policy just unrelated coincidences? Was it our fault that the government in Iraq completely collapsed? Who can know

The analogy was about victim-blaming related to it but ok, that’s totally fair.

Fwiw she was angry, she just kept it close to the vest.

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