Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I’m sure the Biden rape thing won’t stick. Whats that you say? We have hours of video of him sexually assaulting young girls? Oh fuck.

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You’re not going to hear anything about it until he officially has the nomination. Then you’re going to hear a lot about it.


So if the rest of the primary doesn’t happen then no one gets to the magic number and everyone gets to vote for who they please on ballot #2 right? I think that is a path to getting rid of Biden that hasn’t been discussed.


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Wow the Dems really do find ways to lose unlosable contests every single time.

Makes you think

If the DNC actually nominates Hillary at the convention after a no delegate majority, there will be absolutely zero doubt that they are trying to lose.

Blue checks this week


I’m actually glad to see some philosophy discussed ITT right now vs the usual.

lol what?

Or just pick a better analogy?

To play off your analogy, you actually had two new drugs. One that the FDA told you they were never going to allow to be approved and the other that they had clearly signaled they were willing to approve. You all trashed the one they were willing to approve and circled the wagons around the one they told you they would never approve because you thought it was slightly more pure.

Ok, maybe I was being unfair. To you at least.

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Maybe it’s a matter of degrees but I find it hard to believe Liz isn’t getting the same treatment.

I’m still just in the sort of “mind blown” phase regarding Super Tuesday. Getting two top contenders to drop out to support someone who can’t speak in complete sentences, and getting Warren to be the useful pawn… that’s impressive


Syracuse forum deleted my links to Biden being an alleged rapist. Real good look there libs.

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Actual article headline from 18 months ago:


Absolutely zero coverage of a credible sexual assault allegation anywhere. Media gonna media. Spent a week on Bernie and Cuba comments from 30 years ago, GJGE


This is only true if she’s not an establishment politician, which she isn’t.

Sanders “likes” Biden. He apologized for a very mild, content only op ed from a surrogate saying Biden is corrupt, when he had no problems with the same charges being leveled at Hilary. His campaign has wasted their position and fund raising. Even his ads seem to only work as a pyramid like scheme, just getting more ad money rather than getting more votes.