Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

If I read the rest of this post and you yourself haven’t laid out a constructive critique and detailed a better strategy, I’m gonna have a brain aneurysm.


Bold of him to assume we can act

To me the only coherent and concrete lesson that can be taken from this primary is that electoralism (at least on a national level) is never going to lead to the sort of progressive changes that we need. But we already knew that, it was just fun/exciting to see someone like Bernie get so close. So we’re back where we started.

It is insane though, that apparently a majority of dem primary participants support m4a and say it’s one of their most important issues, but then Biden ends up getting most of the votes.

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It’s just that they viewed beating Trump as more important that electing someone they agree with. I think the Super Tuesday exits said that was 2-1.

That’s probably smart, the marginal improvement from Trump :arrow_right: Biden is much larger than Biden :arrow_right: Bernie. Not that Biden is awesome, it’s just that the important thing is to get any D elected.

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I mean you arent wrong but the fact 2/3of the dem primary voters (exaggerating slightly) decided Joe Biden was the man for the job is basically proof the majority of us are brain damaged or so brainwashed that people like Jake Tapper have actual power in this world. Either way we are fucked.

Also the fix was (is) literally in

Love to see people who’ve done their best to make Trump a two term president be like TIME FOR SOME GAME THEORY

Relax. You won! Take the w.



I mean, not or ban obv, but potential shame upon thee if this is just a want-it-to-be-one-way hunch. I’m not gonna stop saying it: The whole business about being worried if one candidate beats trump and another doesn’t was invented as an attack on Bernie. All the polls I’d find would back that up. “Bernie vs trump: +6, Joe: +5” next poll “Joe vs trump: +5, Bernie: +4” etc.

Also, it’s fucking nonsensical. What if Biden has a 99.1% chance to win but Bernie only 98.4%? How would we quantify that? What about 0.8 and 0.4? Voters are weighing this calculus and arriving at the one or two scenarios where a strategic vote would be optimal?

I’m just not buying it. I want to though, it’d be optimistic.

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It took me a stupid long time to fully recognize that this has become a grieving and mourning thread, and I’m sorry it took me a while but I do recognize it now. Before I leave you all to it, I just want to repeat/clarify my position, because I feel like certain posters are working hard to twist words or unfairly lump people into groups, etc.

  1. I don’t think one person on this board has ever supported Biden in the primary? Maybe one or two do now, I’m not sure, but it’s still essentially 100% unanimous support for Bernie.
  2. Bernie and his campaign and supporters have done a ton to completely transform the landscape, even if it doesn’t feel like that right now, and he deserves reams of credit for that.
  3. The demographics continue to shift and that bodes well for these ideas in the future, and I think that in four years even a candidate with some of Bernie’s ‘weaknesses’ will have a very good chance.
  4. This year it could have happened, maybe, but it would have taken a generational talent in terms of campaigning and coalition building and probably some things that his most arch supporters can’t stand.
  5. @JohnnyTruant is correct that the most effective thing anyone can do right now is to try and learn from this and keep working towards the change we want. But as I mentioned, this is probably no longer the thread for that, and I concede/assume that many of you are probably already engaging in that work in other places (even if some clearly aren’t).
  6. Bernie was always gonna have a tough go of it, because so much stuff was stacked against him. I don’t believe all of the conspiracy / “fix” stuff, but it’s clear that there were/are big forces working against him.

And I guess that last point explains what I was probably pointlessly trying to figure out in this thread (which I’ll now leave):

The whole point of the Bernie campaign was to “take on the Establishment”. So why do so many people ITT seem stunned that the Establishment worked to defeat him?


It isn’t and it never was.

I think disgusted is a better description than stunned. The cherry on top is that the Establishment now expects the progressives to vote for them or be branded a traitor to a cause they never supported in the first place.


Also guess who’s gonna get the blame if/when the joementum juggernaut runs out of steam and somehow loses to trump.

Biden camp payed almost $800,000 in just January/February to this PR firm compared to last year’s measly $70,000 something k?

Hilary Rosen is a partner at this PR firm, also co-founded Times Up

Tara Reade went to Times Up in Jan before being rejected

Probs just a coincidence


yeah was coming to post this:


What is there to the Times Up claim that they could not help her because it would jeopardize their 501c non-profit status to bring in their own lawyers against Biden? Smoke or legitimate objection?

bernie can still win so if you’re not actively helping him, you’re part of the problem

@MimosaDef thats you buddy

Any Warren Democrats in here? Any plans to join up with lying liz’s latest narcissistic venture?

@simplicitus @iron81 @NotBruceZ

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I don’t know man, I kinda think the primary is over. I just don’t see the DNC doing any sort of virtual voting and I sure as hell hope they’re not doing any in-person elections in the near future. It doesn’t leave them many options and everyone who is in charge wants biden (because they’re dumb as hell) so I’d imagine he just gets crowned at some point.

What venture are you talking about?

Bernie’s chances seem small enough that it doesn’t feel worth the effort to try to and help him win. I still want him to keep running to rack up as many delegates as he can so he can try to push Democrats leftward and as a hedge against Biden dying.


Watched this live. Jaw dropping stuff.

And she was wrong on the substance, too.