Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Xposting from the media thread for your amusement and/or frustration


real or onion?


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[ ] onion

NUMTOT co-founder and admin Juliet Eldred confirmed to Mashable that Sanders had to request to join the private group in order to post his thank you message. “I had the honor of approving the request,” Eldred told the site.

The teens are, accordingly, freaking out. Their reactions range from “i am loosing my mind” to “Daddy literally just said, ‘let’s ride’” to “We STAN A KINGGGGG.” One NUMTOT member accurately noted: “this FB group has rly escalated.”


It isn’t going to matter, but that’s mostly because Liz’s campaign was already dead. That’s why she tried this nonsense, she’s desperate and grasping at straws.

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Let’s not go crazy


Our meme thread will not be endorsing anyone at this current time thank you.


Pete and his followers just the absolute woat


WTF those numbers are unreal. I would have expected low single digits all around.

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Surprised Warren is so high.

Not surprised at Biden or ButtiGJGE. They’ve been attacking literally every policy that lies even slightly to their left as the end of the world, so naturally their supporters would consider defecting to the right. Scumbags.

I suspect that right now, at the most emotional part of the primary right before the battle starts, a lot of people are feeling combative. I strongly doubt more than 25% of the people who said they were x or bust would actually vote for Trump… except for the Bernie/Yang supporters.

And that’s not because there’s anything wrong with Bernie/Yang supporters, that’s because those two candidates do a really good job of pulling honest to goodness MAGA voters over to vote for them. Their ability to sell those people shouldn’t be read as a slam on them or their other supporters.

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Sanders came in last on that list…

The Sanders voters who are strong leftists (96% of them it looks like) know the public perception around ‘Bernie Bro’s’ and are literally never going to say Bernie or bust after the way they got painted in 2016 I suspect. The remaining 4% are probably actual Republicans. And that’s not a bad thing.

I wonder what the percentages look like if the question is “back Trump or not vote”

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Now you’re just pulling stuff out of your ass.

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Are you suggesting that zero people who support Bernie support him because they are strong anti establishment types??? I’m not getting where the hostility is coming from. I’m saying that nearly no left leaning voters are going to actually vote for Trump when the rubber hits the road in November.

4% of Bernie supporters is a lot of GOP voters flipped. I see it as an unqualified good thing?

I think that most of the 13.5% of Yang voters who said that they would support Trump if he doesn’t get the nom absolutely mean it. He’s my #1 lol. Those people are literally Republicans. Having any shot at getting them at all is a good thing.

No, I was referring to this part:

where you claim that Sanders supporters are lying to the pollsters. Not only that you have also divined why they are lying.

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I’m absolutely saying the opposite. I think almost no true left leaners or even centrists will support Trump no matter which primary candidate they back. Bernie’s left leaning supporters are just a lot less likely to lie to the pollsters in an attempt to make it seem like their votes will be lost if they don’t get their way because of how they were portrayed in 2016.

I think you’re just blindly speculating here. Coincidentally, a recent argument that’s emerged among leftists (I heard it from Chapo) takes on the electability argument of other candidates: “if you don’t nominate Bernie, we’re staying home and you’ll lose to Trump”

Which is why I’m more interested in a “vote Trump or stay home” metric rather than just “vote Trump”

Yeah I’m absolutely speculating. That’s why the original post I made started with ‘I suspect that right now…’

And yes I think that would be a much much better question to ask. You’re definitely right that a much larger number of people are going to stay home than actually change sides and vote for Trump. Can you imagine the pain of actually pulling the lever for Trump? Jesus. I’d be scarred for life.

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