Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Ya, just clicking a few profiles it’s mostly 35-50ish women(Which very well might be BernieBros I suppose) ripping her a new one. I don’t see too many Chapo Matt types trolling her unless they are making fake accounts.

7k comments and 1k likes on her last post. That’s beyond being ratioed.

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Sanders’ Law:

It is always, absolutely fucking always, incumbent on the more liberal party to be nice to avoid angering or alienating the other party in any political dialogue.


I don’t think you can look at any of Warren’s social media and not see an insane amount of backlash happening on every single Warren campaign post in real time. I’d be shocked if she isn’t near single digits when the first post-debate polls come out.

I’m skeptical that there is that much correlation between her online interactions and her support across the country. Most people have no idea any of this is even happening.


This is correct; there’s a huge disconnect between what you think because you read a lot online/social media and what everyone else thinks. Mostly depends on what people got out of it on the small piece they did catch, if that happened.

Hell, a bunch of dem voters don’t know who liz warren is and there’s a bunch more that have heard of her but also couldn’t tell you one thing other than that indian thing about her.

Not running in 16 ended up a huge mistake for 2020; a lot more people know who bernie is than her and now she’s got to go after him a bit if she’s trying to win.

Yeah this whole thing is probably not going to matter at all. Maybe she loses a % or two. Also, the vast majority of the people leaving negative comments on her social media were never Warren supporters to begin with.

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The vast majority of people leaving negative comments on Warren’s social media, or for that matter any liberal candidates social media, are Trump supporters or Russian bots.


Adding to this, there is a common thread among many Trump supporters that they love trolling online.

I do think these kind of things matter a bit more than how they immediately show up in the polls, though, there’s a cumulative effect. Like even if the Native American thing didn’t matter to a lot of people at the time, maybe it makes it easier to believe she’s stretching the truth in this instance. And maybe when the next thing comes down the pipe, this incident makes that next one easier to believe. They’re all bricks in constructing the narrative of a candidate in a voter’s mind.

emerson poll (so lol)

but KLOB 10 in NH.

Kinda ironic how pete started taking votes from Warren and now he’s getting his support bodied by the KLOB.

Gabbard 5! :joy:

She’s always been in that 3-5 range, NH allows independents who always vote republican to vote in dem primaries.

NH always been a shaky state.

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I might not know how it works but why did they all suddenly appear now with seemingly real fb profiles. She is every bit as much of a non factor as a week ago so I’m not sure I buy that it’s just all Russian bots.

only true politics fans know who the bottom right is:


The emotional swongs from this race are too much! But I also love it.

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That Bernie +6 vs Trump in Florida is probably my favorite poll so far. Doubt it’s remotely accurate, but whatever.

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