Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I was going to make a comment about who Iowa was searching for.

But then I realized I don’t actually know where Iowa is.


I assume anyone who is interested enough in politics to google a politician already knows who Joe Biden is.

I assume that swath of white in the Midwest is the counties that haven’t got internet yet


It’s the one that has some pete color to it.

Just wonderful that a billionaire can dump targeted ads in two states and immediately inject himself into the national discussion.

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Bloomberg is above 10% on predictit without being on the debate stage or campaigning in any of the first four states.

Possible. The eastern most county shaded in white in Texas only has 143 people.

I bet every one of those 143 people say they don’t have room for immigrants tho.


Trump won the county 58 to 4 (not a typo), so you’re probably not that far off.

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Booked. 4 more spots available.

Warren only checks one of the boxes for Biden:
[x] female
[ ] PoC
[ ] young

I can’t imagine two septuagenarians on the ticket.

I think there’s a Qanon conspiracy involving Bloomberg and Hillary. It’s probably a good market to short. (Hillary still at 5% last I checked)

Man, the left is just a fucking giant mass of good people desperate to get perpetually trounced. What a shitshow.


No, they just literally googled, “who can I vote for that is white?”

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Literally no one is googling Klob despite the non-stop mainstream media push. You hate to see it

Almost no one is unconditionally good (not even Bernie). The left asks everyone other than the most marginalized to make sacrifices for the greater good (pay more taxes, consider other people’s feelings, give up things or pay more for them to protect the environment, eliminate certain industries, etc.)

The right says don’t worry about good or bad, right or wrong, you just do you and let me do me. Someone like Donald Trump is actually perfect for their message.

The left’s job is much, much harder. Sincerity that you are trying to the right thing yourself is absolutely key to their message. And establishment Ds fail hard at that because they all want be the ones in charge and are willing to do bad things to make it happen.


Tbh I’m not 100% sure that’s true. I think it probably is, but there’s definitely some element of Bernie’s support that just wants to support an outsider and could be drawn into a Bloomberg type candidate.

Probably pulls more from disaffected Biden voters I guess.

Go to Warren’s FB page and look at the comments on her posts now. Went from 90% positive comments to 90% negative in high volume over the last couple days.

The only person Sanders might want out of the race is Warren. Other than that, he benefits from a crowded field.

I do wish fellow Bernie supporters would chill the fuck out on attacking her. We need her voters. Yes its really stupid for someone to base their vote on interactions with some of the candidates supporters but people are stupid and a TON of people legit think like that. Especially if you attack their candidate.